When One Door Closes - another opens!

Oct 05, 2009 08:12

After years (2 to be exact) we've finally posted the last chapter of Buffy Between the Lines. It's been an amazing ride, and I can honestly say that I'm glad I started this whole mess. It's hard to believe life without Between the Lines Studios.

The finale of BBtL is fairly personal for me. It's one of those stories that, as a writer, you've always wanted to tell - but were unable to until you told others. I can't really explain why (though set me in front of a mic and I probably will wax on -- oh wait, I have), I just know this is a special story for me. I got to use some of my favorite themes (death, redemption, meaning and purpose) and sprinkle in some of my faith and personality into a script where I get to kill off the unkillable (listen and you'll understand).

When dealing with the Hellmouth one can never be sure what will happen next, but there’s one truth that’s a constant no matter what happens - everyone dies. Angel’s time in hell is interrupted by a mysterious visitor, The Mayor keeps his word and, in the end, everyone dies.

Click here to listen.

Of course, the end of Buffy Between the Lines doesn't mean the end of podcast audio dramas. Oh no, not at all. Far from it, in fact. This past summer a team of extremely busy people and I have been creating the new series - Angel Between the Lines. Taking place between Seasons 3 and 4, Angel Between the Lines is our attempt to raise the bar even higher. With daily content on the website, behind the scenes special features (both audio and video) and a lot of extra content we're making Angel Between the Lines a fully immersive experience. Production quality has really jumped up since this season we've added in a QC department (whose job is to just tell us when we suck), so I can't wait for the season to play out (and the finale is a musical episode of Angel Between the Lines)!

Panicking after Angel and Cordelia’s disappearance, Gunn, Fred and Connor split up to find them. Unsuccessful the trio sit down for what they think is just another Chinese meal, but instead leads them to a wild adventure.

Click here to listen.

abtl, bbtl

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