Moved! Now with Internet!

May 12, 2011 08:51

We moved out of our apartment on May 5. It was glorious. We now live in a hotel located on/in/near India Point Park in Providence, RI. We live here until June 1, at which point we will be moving into our new house.

The hotel has all your basics --- sleeping, overpriced room service, an enormous TV, equally enormous furniture that's too large for short-legged people like me, a bathroom with at least one sink that doesn't drain as well as you'd like, and "free Internet". I say "free Internet" as opposed to FREE INTERNET because of one minor issue with the service: we only get 0.5 MB down and 0.07 MB up. I think I over exaggerated those numbers in a letter yesterday. Bah. What does this mean? It means it's faster to do anything on the Internet over 3G by a factor so huge it leaves you wondering why you didn't buy the tethering package from AT&T. *Think* *Think* *Think*

Spring is in full force in New England --- I would even consider claiming that summer has appeared on numerous occasions, though it's not quite summer. The weather has been Seattle-like for the last couple of days. Cloudy. Slight drizzle every once in a while. Light winds. And for about 5 seconds in the afternoon, the sun peaks through the clouds. Of course, people in the area don't crap their pants and go running into the streets (E.G. I5) like maniacs when that last bit happens. No. There are MANY days of nothing but sun. In fact, for the first 5 days we were here, it was sunny sunny sunny. AMAZING.

India Point Park lines Providence Harbor. This is pretty cool. We're right on the ocean. It's super inland, but it stinks of salty sea salt and several feet of water go missing in the night. I must admit that I wigged out a little when I saw the first low tide in the park. "Where'd all the water go!" I exclaimed. (See how I put a '!' and said 'exclaimed' to further emphasis what I said?! No? Shut up.) "Oh. Low tide. Hurr Hurr Derp Derp Derp."

Awww. Frank just texted me. He left for work about 10 minutes ago: "Heard the birds in the park this morning. Made me think of your cheeseburger birds. Made me think of you. Hope you have a wonderful day today. Love you!"

What?! You don't know what a Cheeseburger Bird is?! But if you live ANYWHERE NEAR A TREE you must surely have heard them. They tweet, "Cheeeeeese-burrrr-gerrrr!" N. Idaho has them. Massachusetts has them. Providence has them. I think they live everywhere. Mom knows what I'm talking about. I should go find a tweet recording...

*GAG* Hotel coffee is gross. That's the last time I drink something that's free.

I suppose there's a lot more to update on, but I have an appointment that I must leave for shortly. In the mean time, I'll further post for my cause here in addition to Facebook:

I'm missing a considerable number of mailing address from the Rolodex. This may or may not be you. I would appreciate it if you would be so kind to leave your mailing address and phone number in the comments. Don't worry. I've made the comments private on this post. You may or may not get crap from me if you leave your address. I like to mail things to people. Pen pals, I suppose. And maybe I'll get a few more out of this. My Facebook friends have been rather unresponsive. I got one address + phone numbers and several, "Do you still have my address?" questions. I'm not going to answer such questions. I have had addresses for some people in the past... then I lost them. You can choose to leave it --- thus giving me the information I need to either confirm the correct address or add it to the Rolodex --- or you can not. Totally optional. :) I hope you choose to opt in.

And now I must flee!

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