Sep 11, 2011 06:15
And so since TOX&PS3 came to my household Haruka 5 needs to wait. Random comments.
1. I cannot master the link artes chain thing DDD: Only managed to make it happen twice with Jude + Leia but I still can't figure out how it works.
2. I'm on Milla's route btw. Finally got all 6 of the party together after 16+hrs. Was rather shocked by the whole string of events from the reason why they have to go to Jude's hometown to when they decided to leave again. Omg drama lolx. Especially the event that triggered that... Hoshi's chara was a bit lol-worthy. Ok that was mean.
3. Still rather miffed by the fact that I cannot manage to save 2 charas in one go because the AI doesn't use magic guard on its own.
4. I have been using Milla the most but seriously Jude is a lot easier to control. I wonder why.
5. Alvin's spoiler is not really that surprising. I mean. Really. Given the Tales trend. But how Milla reacted to Jude's father was interesting I thought. Sasuga Maxwell, ne. And how she doesn't say anything after that and how she makes her way out of that topic. Sugoi.
6. I didn't thought there will be a romance line in this story. But hello, 定情信物不应该是这样给的… あの体勢... if this is a normal story the roles will definitely be reversed! I laughed at this scene a lot sia...
7. I like the key smash (mining for stone) dungeon xDD
8. Ivar omg *headdesk* He is like the only boss chara so far that I really wanted to kill. So irritating really.
9. Elise speaks more than I thought she will.
10. Rowen... o.O Nachtigal+Rowen in younger days calls for doujins Y/Y?
11. Gaius. Hmm. When will we get to that rainy day in the PV where we have to fight him?
12. 揺るぎなき信念のRPG... mostly Milla right? So far Jude hasn't found his... Like that cannot say double main chara still leh.
TBC. Haha.
tales of