Jan 22, 2011 02:46
Just spent 30 minutes looking for a notebook only to find it on the desk xD FAIL. I think writing entry sheets are eating up too much of my brain power.
Continuation from a previous post... I finally watched the rest of MJ Anison SP4! Just... what to say ALI PROJECT LOVE♥♥♥ Watched the full version of SP3 after that too (like finally)... I liked SP3 xDDD Yu~karin! Yu~karin! Brainless Yukarin fan = me oops.
I rather zetsubou-ed over the fact that I still haven't watched ANYTHING from the new season. Looking at my all blue schedule (blue = 説明会・ES提出・就職関係) I highly doubt the chance to watch anything any time soon. Sigh... and this is going to last until late into this year?? SIANZ. I hate this 予定は未定 feel DDD: