(no subject)

Dec 06, 2010 02:12

Didn't get the ticket in the end. Maa. Life.

Randomly ritorno's Zanni CD is on repeat for me lately. I like episodio Scarpe Rosse! The tune. I'm seriously considering whether to buy this CD... it's only 1000yen o.O 1290 incl mailing fees. Maa that aside.

Randomly about the OP song, Nojiken and Kon-chan were in perfect harmony xD Audience squealed at how pretty the harmonizing was~ And thanks to them Hide-san started singing in opera style xDDD

I don't usually talk much about their clothes but omg Nao-chan's knit long jacket o.O So cute xDDD

Started off with NeoAnge drama. Bernard was helping Mathias make wreaths that are to be given out, and sighs about how he has no time to ask her out. Mathias was all "NOOOOO!!! How can you do this! You can't use a pink ribbon! If you don't use a silver ribbon the wreath will lose its powers to ward off the evil!" So Bernard goes "WAITTT!!! That is a purple ribbon in your hand!!!" Lolx. The holy spirit (Nojiken sounding really bored in youth speak ww) uses magic to help him finish all the wreaths and "oh they are all finished! No wonder I'm so tired *sweat*", says Bernard. Maa Bernard and Mathias takes turns to be overly surprised at the wreaths done.

Then comes the love message corner. I totally forgot about it yesterday, but the theme for this time's love message corner is "kiss". So yar. Everybody gets to make kissy sounds LOLX. To cut the long story short, Daichi = 首筋 (because it was such a 壁にドン situation that I couldn't help but think of Shintani Ryouko), Jean-marie = cheek, Kazahaya = "もっと欲しくなる" (I couldn't tell so I assumed it to be the lips). Daichi yabai yo =///=

The Corda drama was pretty similar to the one yesterday, just that it was Kira instead of Tsuchiura, so the situation is that Kira got Kanayan to treat him to lunch and Kanayan brought him to eat 回転寿司. Kira says this is the first time he ate sushi that turns, and Kanayan says that if he wants to eat sushi that doesn't turn, Kira should treat him instead. Kira then mentions something about losing a cellphone (apparently Hide-san lost his cellphone sometime that day and it was mentioned in the afternoon show, and apparently he found it already so ppl were teasing him about it). And and and that smile + "Kanazawa-senpai!" *dies* In comes Kiriya and Kira shows off how 叔父バカ he can be "the sun is setting already! You should be packing up and going home" and patting Kiriya on the head xDDD The rest of it ditto yesterday. I just have to mention how KanayanxKira is super moe. Lolx. Hino-san sings First Noel. Spirit was Kenyuu-san who was speaking in some dialect, and Hino-san went along with it and Kenyuu-san was like "Ibaraki?" LOLX.

Angelique corner. Kenyuu-san muchaburis and asks Namika-chan what kind of job would Leonard be likely doing, and Namika-chan says "vet, because of the fur (on Leonard's costume)." LOLX. He later changes his answer to "trimmer". I don't think Leonard will be nice to animals though xD Today's SenAnge drama wasn't as interesting I thought. Leonard was 今川義元 and Heuye who was 石川五右衛門 stole his golden (?) bowl. Oscar was maligned for being the culprit so they were chasing Heuye and caught him. Bernard as 毛利 comes along and try to lecture him with the 三本の矢 story but Heuye manages to break 3 together. Mathias is 陶晴賢 (dunno this person... apparently is someone under Mouri) but I don't remember what he did. Richard was 柴田勝家 and went "so it's this bowl that is causing this racket? I shall hold on to it then." Jean-marie as 前田利家 was like "you always try to make everything yours this way. But you know, there are things that can't be made yours by this way, like a person's heart." Somehow everyone were very touched by Jean-marie's words and Heuye (who stole stuff to feed his village) repents and decided that he can't use stolen money to help his village. Oscar then says he can get him work if he needs it. Leonard feels stupid after the racket was resolved.

Candle talk? I think. Was after this. For some unknown reason, they were still continuing with the maguro thing www. I think it's Kazuhiko-san's fault. This time the 2 neta keywords were maguro and Namikawa (sometimes nami and kawa). Thanks to these neta words I don't remember any of the ochis. Other than how Rikiya-san swam on the floor and how Namika-chan brought eye drops with him to fake tears. Oh and how Kon-chan totally didn't go along with the neta stuff hahaha.

Then it's (probably) the live corner. Richard's JOYxHOLIC, Hinoe's Koyoi, Koakuma ni nare (OMG I HEARD THIS LIVE OMGOMGOMG THE SEXY DANCE AND THE SQUEALS LOLX), Daichi's May Be True, Mathias' Renrui no Epilogue, Heuye's Burenai Ore wo Mitekure. I think.

(Damn. Thanks to Ho-san linking me to the TOGf PS3 tokuten DVD skit I totally cannot concentrate on writing.)

Then is probably the Angelique drama. Heuye gets pulled along when Oscar went shopping and so he tried to get Leonard who happened to pass-by to take his place. He got rejected and they started having a fight on who gets to ask her out on a date. Leonard pulls Heuye's cheeks (actually it's Namika-chan pulling his own cheek) and Oscar appears. For some reason he was very un-Oscar and apparently very down. Turns out that his nayami was how he won't get to meet her again when she ends her duty, and spirit (Kazuhiko-san speaking with self-echo) says he can't help to solve this nayami, but sends him to the planet that she was at.

Ends with the one-liner message thing. I forgot that they held flowers in one hand and someone just happened to hold it in a weird way yesterday and everyone was laughing. If only I can rmb who with what pose.

Song - encore. Ending comments... Hide-san commented on Nao-chan's mic stand dance and says that he will confirm copy it and dance it somewhere. I AM WAITING PATIENTLY ^_____^ Yuuya-san appeared in those white specs! Yappari! "寝ても覚めてもネオロマ大好き、楠大典です!" Taitem's backstage report: Namika-chan apparently messed up bringing his clothes, and was wondering for a very long time whether to just wear the tights-like thing only (maa he ended up wearing a pair of berms above it). And then that today that although during the rehearsal they agreed not to make the candle talk an 大喜利 corner but it just ended up... that way. Lolx. Kenyuu-san picked up this part and talked about how those in backstage were really concerned at what would happen at Namika-chan there (he was the last in the candle talk corner) and someone (probably Namika-chan's manager) said that "大丈夫です。浪川さんに神が降りているから" wwww So god = a bottle of eye drops, 了解しました, lolx. And then the other episode Kenyuu-san talked about was after I think 10 Years Love, they were eating out and there was Kappei-san. Cos Kenyuu-san has this er, fake tooth (I forgot what's the english term for this) that is held down by a screw, and the screw happened to come loose and fell out. Kappei-san, who saw the screw, said "I didn't know you were a cyborg!" ...LOLX KAPPEI-SAN♥

Randomly forgot to mention that the event-only CD this time (with Bernard and Richard's new songs), the songs were written by the 2 organists for the event! Apparently. Love Summit is finally going to have their own drama CD (like FINALLY). And then, apparently the tokuten for Haruka 5 is going to be an audition voice CD (!!!) for first press and audition video for the treasure box. OMG THIS SOUNDS INTERESTING!!! Plus apparently the tokuten drama is a 2CD set (!!!). I'm interested in Haruka 4 PSP's voice alarm clock for the treasure box too... although I pretty sure I won't buy it orz. KoeiTecmo is really going all out with their tokuten attack hor.

I thought Yokohama was really a lot warmer than Niiza. Really. Randomly, I saw 2 guys during the event today! Not at the same time lar. One of them was with (probably) his girlfriend, and the other one, judging by the outrageously orange hair, was probably cosplaying. This is, actually, my first time seeing guys at a NeoRoma event, considering how I've been to quite a few of them. Omoshiroi~

live, seiyuu, neoroma

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