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Sep 24, 2010 03:59

Highest temp drops from 34 to 24 to 18. How fast can the transition of seasons get??

2nd round @ Corda 3. After failing to get an ending the first time round I... really work pretty hard this time? Haha although the first time I went for the second round the memory was gone when I'm really half way through the game (between vs Shiseikan and vs Jinnan) because I forgot to save... Maa so technically this is my 3rd try.

Like I said I'm not a gamer so! I played following online guides lolx. (The main thing is to listen, no?)

So after really trying very hard I managed to get Sakaki, Arata, Toki and Nanami's renai endings and Ritsu and Haru's normal endings. Conclusion: I really 佩服 those who really can reach all 12 renai endings in one go. I managed to finish the last event in Arata's route right on the very last day... surprised that it actually worked haha.

I think... Yappari I like the Jinnan combi best haha. I shall talk about Chiaki when I get his ending but Toki Housei is. LOLX. Really. I mean. How am I supposed to believe that he is 18 going on 19? When everything he does is so ojisan that it makes me think he is 七老八十 lolx. His renai events too, are, so. Lolx. Firstly he tells you about how shooting stars = dying stars and then he tells you how fireflies only live for 10 days or so and then die... I was like... so when are you dying?? Lolx. And his hobby. 都都逸? Hmm to be entirely frank, this isn't the first time I've seen this word but I learnt what is it through this game. Everything about him is just... IDK. And oh one of the gifts that you can give him is a 藤枕 and he tells you oh this is just the right size to bring around and I was like o.O you are going to bring it out to sleep!?!? Maa because a lot of his events revolves around how he hates the heat and no he doesn't like the aircon too so summer = DDD: どんだけ姫様だよこの人。 The fireworks event. ひざまくら OMG. Hahaha. That still is precious. Oh and then I was rather puzzled at the fact that Chiaki and Housei actually pooled in money to buy a car when only Housei had driving license. Is this to show that whenever Chiaki wants to use the car Housei will be around to drive it? Lolx. Isn't it a bit weird to share a car when Housei can drive it anywhere when he wants to but Chiaki can't. Haha. And then this again shows how I don't tend to think even when I think something is weird. I thought the fact that Housei had a license and Chiaki didn't weird but I didn't really think why until Housei's birthday event when he talks about how he's one year older then I was totally "oh yar! Japan = can drive from 18!" But I was very amused about how he shined torchlight at Kanade's window. So analog HAHA. And then I think I liked his ending best within those that I manage to see. I was so surprised when he took out that shinkansen ticket! OMG SO REALISTIC LOLX. But then at the end of the day my impression of Housei = 病美人. Lolx.

And then other than that the 副部長対決! Now I see why people like this pair so much. Their argument is so high level omg lolx. Although I thought Sakaki held out well this is definitely Housei's win. 余裕すぎるwwwww And then Sakaki's summer festival event and last renai event. I wonder how he manages to do that. 愛想良すぎてイラッ☆とくる。If we are talking about IRL I guess I won't really want to know this person haha. The kimodameshi event? That was fantastic haha. The still at least!

Arata is really really easy to understand I guess? I think... I dunno. Arata is cute though! Hmm. His route was really rather... IDK. I just find something lacking... somewhere. They fell inside the water? Pool? In the ending lolx!

On the other hand Nanami's one was interesting! In a way. It makes very you proud of him in the end when he finally spoke up against Myouga. 偉い! Haha. よくやったぞ! In a way this route is more like bringing up your son simulation game rather than a renai game lolx. Somehow I think for his this personality it's better for him to go with Hino Kahoko rather than Kohinata Kanade. Hmm. Just what I think lar. He feels like Fuyuumi lolx.

Ritsu, I didn't manage to get his renai ending mainly because I was more or less neglecting Kyouya so I didn't manage to bring him out of his ochikomi period = didn't manage to play that quintet song =.= But I was amazed at how 鈍感 Ritsu is. It's rather cute though! Haha. The Sakaki-Kyouya convo about why Sakaki entered Seiso/the orchestra! それ完全にナンパだよね。 CP了解。

As opposed to Ritsu, Haru was probably the most manly chara in the whole Seiso. かっこよすぎる。惚れてまうやろう! Haha. But his "no obviously we are not here in a theme park for a date! Can't you see it's so obviously for Senpai to relax so that she can play better for the competition?" You win. Lolx. I wonder how he can say that he want to introduce Kanade to his grandparents, and then to his parents and other relatives too while saying no, please don't think too much into this, I just want them to know I have a very good senpai. Fine. You win (again). Maa due to my lack of abilities I ended up not finishing the rest of his renai events (this grandparents one happened on the last day before the finals lolx) so no renai ending, but the normal ending was. Rather. Moe. Too.

This is definitely longer than I intended.

game, neoroma

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