This is who's behind ObamagreenkrokodillaNovember 5 2008, 06:27:27 UTC
1. Obama is a man grown by what I'll call "Brzezinski clique", i.e. a power group that disdains the politics of a baseball bat and being-in-your-face so enamoured of by the "neocons", to which it proposes to substitute the new line of subterfuge and orange revolutions.
2. A book has just been published on Brz and his Obama connection.
3. About a week ago Brz went on television (into a programme ankored by his own daughter, surprise, surprise), where he proceeded to praise Obama as the finest presidential material. His logic ran along these lines:
-- Some say OBama has insufficient experience. It's not important for a president. The president has his advisors (I could not help reading Brz's words as "we fucking run presidents, whatever else you might think, you sheeple"). The more important is the ability of the future president to have a correct "overall" view and understanding of the needed changes (read - we coached the nigger all right, don't you worry)
-- There is going a huge change in the course of the US politics (i.e. the era of neocon in-your-face obnoxiousness comes to an end, expect our trademark "orange revolutions" and "subterfuge" style in the future). Obama does understand this properly.
That's who Obama is. This is VERY BAD for ex-USSR, as, compared to the Near-East crazy "babylon must burn" neocon types, Brzhezinsky is much preoccupied with Russia, killing and splitting and subduing Russia, and maintaining the non-European sanitary cordon along its borders in the fight to dominate Eurasia. Regurgitating the more than 100-years-old anglo-saxon doctrines, as we know.
...and yes, you were absolutely right stressing one of the longest longings of the post-WWII clique that grabbed power in America, to see a woman or a negro as the US president, ruling over the hated whites, as the symbolic sign of total domination over the country which once saw itself as built by colonists of white European extraction and all Christians (in the fight with whose elites present-day degenerates came to power).
That's right, there's going to be mucho celebration behind closed doors now.
...and I forgot to say that (putting aside the symbolism of "we now rule over you and can appoint anyone as your president, a nigger, a cripple, or a pederast, you are finished, white christians") Obama was elected as an obvious fall-guy.
The bankers are about to pull a huge con over the whole world, probably the biggest so far (even considering the 1970s refusal to pay their due, withholding gold and turning "world currency" into fiat money). This transition means very troubled times, that's why laws were rewritten by the current administration, Constitution crapped on, and real fighting units from war theatres are now being moved into the US and reassigned internal duties, read controlling the country's own population by force (see today's ACLU enragement over the next 4.7 thousand unit reallocation, as one example). Obama is the fall guy for the times ripe with civil unrest, massive unemployment, and economic collapse - all of which is possibly envisioned or even welcomed by the manipulators to be able to pull the trick impossible in calmer times.
Re: This is who's behind ObamagabblgobNovember 5 2008, 13:32:39 UTC
А источник, если не затруднит? А то смахивает на что-то такое кулуарно-анонимное, "моё слово против твоего". Очень интересно узнать, кто стоит за этой т.з. Спасибо.
Я передал слова Брж из ТВ-передачи.greenkrokodillaNovember 5 2008, 14:20:09 UTC
Есть заголовок только что вышедшей книги - и доступные тем, кто не читал, например, отзывы на неё на амазоне, где много разных людей перечислят вам её главные положения. Не интерпретации, а просто упонянут ряд положений книги.
Есть на YouTube отрывок с Бржезинским в программе его дочки
Ну и есть ряд книг (геополитическое видение и цели) и политических акций с которыми связано имя Брж. Вроде "оранжевой революции" на Украине или в Грузии, или переворота в социалистической Польше, когда Брж был на связи с папой римским Войтылой и через аппарат католической церкви бунтовщикам поставляли все, начиная от печатной продукции до необходимых для долговременной стачки ресурсов.
2. A book has just been published on Brz and his Obama connection.
3. About a week ago Brz went on television (into a programme ankored by his own daughter, surprise, surprise), where he proceeded to praise Obama as the finest presidential material.
His logic ran along these lines:
-- Some say OBama has insufficient experience. It's not important for a president. The president has his advisors (I could not help reading Brz's words as "we fucking run presidents, whatever else you might think, you sheeple").
The more important is the ability of the future president to have a correct "overall" view and understanding of the needed changes
(read - we coached the nigger all right, don't you worry)
-- There is going a huge change in the course of the US politics (i.e. the era of neocon in-your-face obnoxiousness comes to an end, expect our trademark "orange revolutions" and "subterfuge" style in the future).
Obama does understand this properly.
That's who Obama is.
This is VERY BAD for ex-USSR, as, compared to the Near-East crazy "babylon must burn" neocon types, Brzhezinsky is much preoccupied with Russia, killing and splitting and subduing Russia, and maintaining the non-European sanitary cordon along its borders in the fight to dominate Eurasia.
Regurgitating the more than 100-years-old anglo-saxon doctrines, as we know.
...and yes, you were absolutely right stressing one of the longest longings of the post-WWII clique that grabbed power in America, to see a woman or a negro as the US president, ruling over the hated whites, as the symbolic sign of total domination over the country which once saw itself as built by colonists of white European extraction and all Christians (in the fight with whose elites present-day degenerates came to power).
That's right, there's going to be mucho celebration behind closed doors now.
...and I forgot to say that (putting aside the symbolism of "we now rule over you and can appoint anyone as your president, a nigger, a cripple, or a pederast, you are finished, white christians") Obama was elected as an obvious fall-guy.
The bankers are about to pull a huge con over the whole world, probably the biggest so far (even considering the 1970s refusal to pay their due, withholding gold and turning "world currency" into fiat money).
This transition means very troubled times, that's why laws were rewritten by the current administration, Constitution crapped on, and real fighting units from war theatres are now being moved into the US and reassigned internal duties, read controlling the country's own population by force (see today's ACLU enragement over the next 4.7 thousand unit reallocation, as one example).
Obama is the fall guy for the times ripe with civil unrest, massive unemployment, and economic collapse - all of which is possibly envisioned or even welcomed by the manipulators to be able to pull the trick impossible in calmer times.
Не интерпретации, а просто упонянут ряд положений книги.
Есть на YouTube отрывок с Бржезинским в программе его дочки
Ну и есть ряд книг (геополитическое видение и цели) и политических акций с которыми связано имя Брж.
Вроде "оранжевой революции" на Украине или в Грузии, или переворота в социалистической Польше, когда Брж был на связи с папой римским Войтылой и через аппарат католической церкви бунтовщикам поставляли все, начиная от печатной продукции до необходимых для долговременной стачки ресурсов.
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