i donno if i like you i donno if i care all i no is ur relle hott and its hard not to stare

Dec 20, 2004 16:14

i donno if i like you i donno if i care all i no is ur relle hott and its hard not to stare, LOL ALEX!!!

whoah sorry for not updating. ive been gone all weekend. lets see on friday* we had scho0l.. uhym. then i went to matt n erics to wrap presents.. than the dance was f*ing awesome |<3| i danced with joe and mike alot.. hah! jenn and me were gettin dooooown... lol! matt n eric were being L o S e R s ! and wouldnt dance w/ anyone!! :( .. umm lets see GREG was an IDIOT and told devin i wanted to dance with him. and i never said that. he said he would but he doesnt no how to dance. haha bought that for a half a second. then he started dancin with xenia and alex got mad (lol i wasnt even mad) and she went up to him and she was like why r u dancin with xenia if u said about erin u couldnt dance [or something like that] .. and he said something like he doesnt no me. and some how she got him over to tlk to me. i couldnt understand a word he was saying. lol something like "next dance.,.....sorry for......sorry....dont no u" i donno couldnt tell wtf he was saying. lol im like yeah okay uhh okay. lol. then i um slow danced with joe. cuz hes awesome. so then

SATURDAY* volleyball game. kelly was there. she was fine. hanging with delaney! LMAO. then after went to megans. we went to go see a movie. it was a canceled. went to chilis. yupp fun.

SUNDAY* slept over megans. we went to church saw delaney there.. umm then went home got changed and went to the SAS games... so much drama right sam? then ryan came.. YAY greg asked jamie out she said yes (woohoo) umm then janine forgot to pick us up so me michael danny lauren megan and ryan were there playin basketball and mr. t was left. i was like if megan makes this shot in cody is hotter than ryan.. it was really funny. kay

MONDAY//TODAY* got secret santa.. i got [aLex] shh.. dont tell its a *secret* lol.. cody got megan but i think hes gonna trade or suttin haha.. um danielle got me. what a secret santa! lolz i made a new s/n but im still using this one.. the other one is friendz only BiaTcHeEs! got cheerleading practice tonite.. joys

x to da mad o
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