Sep 17, 2008 20:07
Wow. i just read kelly's profile that said:
" Do you remember the bonfires at PA.. everyone else would be dancing or making out.. and we were all spinning in the field.. just spinning and running and tackling each other, not giving a fuck who was laughing at us because we were all laughing so loud we couldn't hear them? man. "
Sounds like an erin quote, although it could be any.
I got all veclempted <>. I was just thinking of my aquaintences at school. Then i thought about us. amn we are a group that knows how to feel good and have fun. and most importantly, not give a fffuuuck what other people think. That is such a great thing to have, and for all of us to share. When we are together it just lights up even more. At school, it is early yet, but it's more distant. New School has a different kind of set up being so city oriented and there is no campus feel anywhere, but that's kind of cool about it. I like the school and i like the classes, but i'm real independent and don't really make much effort getting to know people. Not that i'm unfriendly, just maybe a little distant. I don't know. maybe i've lost some of my social interest. and New York is not a good place to do that. ha ha maybe i'm more skeptical now. my year off instilled a bit of skeptisism. That is probably a good thing. There are just so many opportunities and people with connections and all kinds of claims, and they seem so nice you want to trust them, but, been there, and lesson learned. Maybe the same thigns won't happen, but i don't trust so easily. I miss being able to trust. I miss people i can trust. I just have to trust myself, do what feels right.
i miss you girls so much! i miss people that aren't looking for anything other than happiness and finding it in the moment! people who do what feels good. together enjoying soul satisfaction. ha ha haaa oh man all sentimental and shittt
lol but i love you, for real. and forever :)