My First Time

May 09, 2007 15:25

Last week, I participated in my first icon challenge....and earned my first banner! :D

As you can see, the challenge was for richard_stills, a community that revolves around icons featuring Richard Armitage.  The theme of this challenge was children, so for one of my icons, I wanted to use fonts associated with childhood.

When I was probably 6 or 7 years old, I had to learn cursive in school (that black font is the exact same style).  My teacher was really particular that you shouldn't lift your pencil off the paper in the middle of writing in cursive, unless it was required for a word.  That may seem a bit picky, but now I think she had a point.  In fact, that habit has been ingrained into me, though I now rarely use that style of handwriting.

That neat cursive contrasts with a scribbled word, "bad." This screencap, which was provided in the challenge, is from a television drama called Between the Sheets.  I haven't seen that  drama, but I've heard that RA's character, Paul, is kind of "naughty" (however you want to interpret that ;) ).  The red color makes "bad" stand out even more.  I hadn't thought of this while making the icon, but since Paul's shirt is red, one can make a connection between him and the red-colored word.

Finally, I'll probably post a bunch of icons (including the ones from this challenge) at this blog sometime next week.  There are a couple challenges that I've entered or plan on entering, so I need to wait until those are over.  Maybe LJ icon challenges will become my new addiction?

avatar, between the sheets, banner, richard armitage, icon

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