What the DI Saw Chapter 3 (Blue Cortina)

Jul 05, 2009 23:16

Word Count : 1920

A/N :  I've actually managed to write a whole chapter with no smut.  No smut at all!  *is proud*
          Total love to Sladest for betaing this in, like, 30 seconds flat.  Sladest - you're a star and I can't wait until you start writing again!


By the time he reached the lobby, Gene had recovered somewhat from the unexpected sight of Alex wrapped up in his sheets with her hand shoved down her trousers.  The old mighty engine was now working overtime, planning his seduction of his DI like a military campaign.

At least now he knew he had a chance with her.  More than a chance if what he'd just seen had been real and not the product of his filthy subconscious.  He paused, replaying the scene over in his mind. . . . No.  He'd definitely seen what he thought he'd seen, heard what he thought he'd heard, and a wide smile forced itself over his face, momentarily stunning a horse-faced, middle aged lady who was sitting innocently on a sofa drinking tea.

An answering smile made its way hesitantly over her face and Gene magnanimously tipped her a wink causing her hand to shake and spill tea over her tweed skirt.

Leaving her dabbing her skirt with a napkin and whistling cheerfully to himself, Gene made his way over to the reception desk and demanded a telephone.


Ray's voice snapped harshly down the phone line.

"Change of plan Raymondo.  You and the div won't be needed this afternoon.  Make it tonight instead."

"Aww, Guv!"  Ray's disappointment was almost tangible.  "I've got a date tonight and Chris is taking Shaz out.  C'mon Guv." Ray wheedled.

"No. Cancel it.  Your country needs you.  Be here at 7.30 sharp."

"Yes Guv."

Gene could almost hear Ray muttering to himself under his breath as the receiver was slammed down.

Right, phase one was complete, he'd got himself and Bolly out of babysitting duties for tonight, now all he had to do was make sure he didn't get pissed this afternoon and get his dinner suit pressed.  Shouldn't be too difficult he thought as he wandered off to buy a paper, preparing to sit in the hotel gardens and enjoy the rare winter sunshine until the footie started.


Upstairs, Alex roused herself out of her post-orgasmic lethargy and stumbled into the en suite for her second shower of the day.

Towelling herself off she wandered back into the bedroom and searched through her clothes, trying to find something suitable to wear for a ball.  Nope.  As she'd thought, she'd only bought work clothes and a cocktail dress.  Nothing she could wear to a full on black tie do and that meant she absolutely had to go shopping.  And get her nails done.  And book a hair appointment.

She was determined that tonight she'd trap him, back him into a corner and give no absolutely no room for manoeuvre.  It was the perfect setting for a seduction - a nice hotel, both of them done up to the nines, booze flowing. . .

Then she remembered - they were going to be on duty.  The selfish sod had arranged cover for this afternoon so that he could watch the match.  Well, she could soon fix that.

Digging through her handbag, Alex pulled out her Filofax and, after looking through it, quickly dialed the number she needed.


Chris's voice was sleepy, as if he'd just woken up.

"Chris, it's DI Drake.  There's been a bit of a change of plan for today.  Could you round up DS Carling and take over from us tonight instead of this afternoon?"

"Awww. Boss - Ma'am.  I promised I'd take Shazzer out tonight and I think Ray's got a date."

"Can't be helped I'm afraid, Chris.  I know it's terribly short notice but, you know, the job's not exactly nine to five is it?  It's very important that you and Ray are here tonight instead of this afternoon.  I don't want to make it an order but . . ." her voice trailed off leaving Chris in no doubt at all that he really had no choice in the matter.

"What time Ma'am?"

"7.30 would be fine.  Thanks Chris"

"Yeah, 'kay" and Chris hung up.

Alex quickly threw on her clothes and grabbed her bag.  On her way out of the room she glanced at herself in the mirror and grinned.

The poor man didn't stand a chance!


Gene spent the rest of the morning sitting in hotel lounge, reading his paper, it being a bit too cold to sit in the January wind for too long.  Alex wandered out to tell him that she was going shopping for a few hours and would he mind their charge while she was out.  Gene huffed his agreement and surreptitiously watched her arse wiggling away from him as she left the hotel.

He met Sir David for lunch and was invited to his suite to get ready that evening.

"We've got to give the lady her privacy don't we, Old Boy?  Just pop over at 6.30ish with your DJ and we can go and fetch your charming Detective Inspector together.  Give her a proper escort to the ball."

Gene agreed, somewhat reluctantly because he'd been looking forward to watching Bolly getting ready, but could see the sense in what His Nibs was saying.

"So," the peer continued, "what have you got planned for us for the rest of the day?"

"The Arsenal -City game."

Sir David looked a bit pained.


"Football."  Gene corrected.

"You might have a bit of a problem there, Old Boy,  I don't think they'll be showing the football this afternoon.  I think they'll probably be showing the rugby.

Gene spluttered in outrage while Sir David tried to mollify him.

"It's an international you see - Wales -v- England down in Cardiff.  It's a very important game."

"Not to me it bloody isn't."

Gene ranted for a while about upper class twits playing with their odd shaped balls, Sir David shrugging helplessly, before he reluctantly allowed himself to be taken to the bar to watch this alien spectacle for the rest of the afternoon.


Alex spent a happy few hours investigating the dress shops of Windsor, finally finding her dress in a tiny shop down a lane in the town centre.  The two little old ladies who ran the shop fussed over her delightfully, pulling out gown after gown until she, and they, finally decided on the perfect frock, after which they ran around with pins and threaded needles until the gown fitted her like a second skin.  This meant that she arrived back at the hotel late, well gone 6 o'clock, giving her just over an hour to ready her artillery for the evening's festivities.

The knock on her door came at just gone 7.30 and she took a last look in the mirror before sashaying towards the door.  Prepare to be dazzled M'sieur Hunt she thought as she threw the door open wide.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Gene standing on the other side of the door, just Sir David.

"So sorry my dear," he said, "but Mr Hunt has had to toddle down to the lobby to meet my security detail."  He paused to take in her appearance. "My word, you look stunning, my dear.  May I escort you to the ball?"

"Thank you." Alex smiled gracefully and took his arm, unable to dispel the twinge of disappointment that Gene hadn't come to fetch her himself but managing to put a brave face on it and carry on her share of the conversation as they took the lift downstairs.

When the lift doors swished open, Alex found herself transported to a fairyland.

The lobby had been strung with twinkling lights and was full of elegant patrons dressed up to the nines and mingling sociably as they handed wraps and overcoats to the coat-check girls and sipped champagne cocktails, chatting amiably before drifting into the hotel ballroom.

The strains of Glen Miller's classic "String of Pearls" filled the air and she took a flute of champagne from a passing waiter as she looked around for Gene.

He was standing over by the reception desk, speaking earnestly and rapidly to Ray and Chris.  She began to move towards them, making her way through the crowd, smiling and nodding at the complete strangers she encountered on the way, her arm still laced through Sir David's.

Gene was totally engrossed in what he was saying and didn't notice her until she was more than half way towards him, giving her plenty of opportunity to feast her eyes on him.  He was wearing a three piece dinner suit, the waistcoat done up over a pristine white shirt, the jacket moulding to his shoulders and waist as if it had been painted onto him.  Alex let out a silent sigh as she glided up to stand behind Ray.

Gene ended his conversation abruptly when he caught sight of Alex making her way towards him.  His mouth went suddenly dry and he swallowed convulsively, trying to tear his eyes away from the way her black dress clung to her body, falling from one shoulder to gather at her hip before falling in whisper soft folds to the floor.  A silent voice in his mind growled "Mine" and he he felt a primal need to mark her somehow, brand her as his.  He needed to find some way to show every other man in the room that she was taken, off limits; that any man who so much as looked at her was aiming for a short, sharp reminder to keep his eyes to himself.

His eyes roved her body, trying to find some tiny flaw, some excuse to touch her, finish her, get his scent onto her.

"Very nice, Bolly" he growled.  "Very nice indeed.  'Cept this."

He reached out and tapped the row of heavy black beads around her neck.

"Don't like that - makes you look cheap.  Tacky."

Alex opened her mouth to protest but fell silent as he reached forward, his hands brushing the skin of her throat and around her neck, unfastening her necklace and pulling the beads away from her to deposit them in his pocket.  She stared at him, unable to move, as he reached back behind his own neck, his hands coming away holding either end of his slim gold chain.  Fastening the clasp around her neck he stepped back and squinted critically at her.

"Better."  He noted, then turned away to introduce Sir David to Ray and Chris and give the divtastic duo their final instructions for evening.

Alex allowed her fingers to trace the gold links around her throat, still warm from the heat of his body and allowed herself to inwardly exult that she was wearing something of his.  His gesture had felt so very intimate even though they had been standing in the full gaze of hundreds of people.  She ran her thumb along the length of the chain around her neck and dared to allow herself to believe that he felt something more for her than just professional respect.  The gift had been so very personal after all.

Finally Gene finished his lecture and stood watching Ray and Chris escort Sir David into the ballroom.

Taking a deep breath he turned to the woman standing at his side and offered her his arm.

"Well, Bols.  Shall we?"

Alex looked him straight in the eye and slipped her hand through his arm.

"Yes, Gene"  she breathed, noting the hitch in his breath as she leaned in closer to him, allowing him to lead her away.

"Oh yes."



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