A Grand Night Out (Part 2)

Jul 10, 2008 16:17

This is, unfortunately, unbetaed as my usually wonderful beta
anethema_device has very selfishly taken a couple of days off for her birthday,  Happy Birthday Hunny - hope you've had a great day.  *HUGS*

Part 2

Annie Cartwright had always prided herself on being an honest girl, especially with herself, so on the short walk back to Gene’s house she carefully examined her feelings on the matter.

There was no doubt in her mind that she loved Sam. He was kind, considerate, respectful and would never, never intentionally hurt her.  He was, in fact, exactly the sort of man every mother hopes her daughter will bring home one day.

Gene, on the other hand. . . well, she was under no illusions where he was concerned. She certainly didn’t love him; he was crude, arrogant, married and she bit back a giggle at the thought of ever introducing him to her Mum! She also knew, however, that she did have a certain itch that only he could scratch for her and that this might be her sole opportunity to indulge in her secret fantasy

The two men were diametrically opposed in every way except one - she wanted them. Both of them.

Her breath caught as her fertile imagination ran riot at the thought of having them both - at the same time.  It was a scenario she’d never allowed herself to think about before - had never thought was possible - but which was certainly appealing.  Her cheeks flushed and she bit at her bottom lip to stifle the soft moan that rose in her throat as the movie camera in her head ran an XXX rated trailer of what she might be able to experience if she could just keep her nerve - and if Gene had meant what she’d thought he meant when he invited her home.

Lost in her thoughts she trailed along behind the two men until before she realized it, they were at the front door. Gene ushered them into the living room and fished around in the sideboard for glasses and a bottle. Pouring large glasses of whisky he handed them around before settling himself on the comfortable looking sofa with a sigh of contentment. Sam sat next to him and Annie wandered about the room, examining the photos that hung on the walls.

“Annie” Gene’s voice broke the silence, his tone heavy with meaning. “You don’t have to go home tonight. You could stay here wi’ us.”

Annie froze as a dizzying wave of relief swept over her. So she hadn’t misinterpreted his meaning earlier. She closed her eyes and swallowed heavily, her skin flushing pink as she allowed herself to fall into her fantasy.

Sam, typically, misinterpreted her reactions as being shock and embarrassment at Gene’s suggestion.

“Gene.” his voice issued a warning.

“This is Annie - not one of Warren’s girls. It’s Annie. Your WDC.”

“Yes, thank you, Dorothy. I’m well aware of ‘oo she is.”

“Don’t push her to do this.” Sam begged. “It’s sexual harassment of the worst kind.”

“Is it?” Gene snorted. “Do you feel sexually harassed, Cartwright?”

Annie laughed. “If this is harassment then there ought to be a damn sight more of it as far as I’m concerned.” She quipped.

Sam tried again, this time appealing to Annie.

“You don’t understand what he’s asking for, Annie.”

“Don’t I? If I’m not much mistaken, DCI Hunt here just invited me to have rampant sex with him and his DI.”

She turned back to Gene.

“Am I right?”

He nodded. “That you are, Cartwright.”

“So what exactly is it that you think I don’t understand?” She asked Sam.

“With both of us!” Sam spluttered. “Annie, he means with both of us!”

Sam gesticulated wildly between himself and Gene, words failing him.

Annie raised one eyebrow and watched him patiently until he’d spluttered himself to a halt.

“You really are a daft bugger aren’t you, Sam?” She said. Her eyes never leaving his face, she pointed to Gene. “He wants this.” Gene’s muttered “Damn right I do” went unnoticed as she continued, “and I want this. The only question is, do you?”

Sam did a passable impression of a goldfish as his overworked brain tried to make sense of her words.

Impatient with Sam’s prevarications, Gene stood up, snaked one arm around Annie’s waist and pulled her in towards him. She wound her arms around his neck, fingers twining into the blonde hair curling against his collar. He took her chin in one hand, tilted her head up and laughing green eyes gazed into deep blue.

“Brace yourself, Cartwright,” Gene growled softly, “women ‘ave been known to faint wi’ passion when I kiss ‘em and I wouldn’t want you fallin’ over and ‘urting yerself.”

Annie’s answering chuckle was cut off as Gene’s lips touched hers.

‘Soft.’ She thought as his chaste kiss began to warm her and her eyes fluttered closed. ‘I never thought of his lips as being so soft.’

Gene’s arm tightened around her as his tongue gently ran along the seam of her lips, asking to be allowed inside. The soft, warm touch of his tongue re-ignited the flame in Annie’s stomach and she gladly gave him access delighting in the warm, whisky taste of him as he slowly explored her mouth, greeting him with delicate flicks of her own tongue against his

Annie felt she was standing somewhere outside of time, her universe shrank down until the only things that existed were Gene’s solid body against hers, his arms holding her up,  his warm breath ghosting across her cheek and that maddening mouth moving lazily against hers.

Annie’s body moved with a mind of its own, moulding itself against him, her fingers running through his hair, pulling his head in closer, needing to feel the heat of him against her. She felt him smile against her mouth and his arms tightened around her, holding her securely. He growled deep in his throat as she pushed one leg between his, her thigh coming to rest against his arousal, her hips bucking forward to press his hard length against her.

A strangled whimper from beside her brought her back to earth as Sam’s hand gripped her arm and pulled her away from Gene. Still dazed by the intensity of his kiss, Annie had a fleeting glimpse of Gene’s amused face as she was spun around, Sam holding her cheeks between his hands as his lips crashed down onto hers

If Gene’s kiss had been lazy, soft and knowing, Sam’s kiss was like a whirlwind. Need and desperation flowed from him, his tongue duelling with hers, teeth nipping at her lips, his arms holding her tightly to him as if he were afraid she would change her mind and leave him unsatisfied. Annie’s arms wound around his waist and neck, his craving transmitting itself to her as they devoured each other, finally giving into their desires after the endless months of longing and denial.

She felt a hand reach around her, pulling her into the warm body at her side, a mouth brushed tenderly at her temple, moving slowly down the side of her face before latching onto the sensitive curve between her shoulder and neck. She shivered and sighed as Gene teased the delicate skin of her neck, whimpering when the warm, wet mouth vanished, only to feel Sam tip his head to the side and groan.

Opening her eyes, she pulled away from Sam to see Gene lapping and nibbling at Sam’s neck. Sam’s eyes were closed in ecstasy as he leaned into Gene’s arm, his neck extended to allow Gene access, humming his appreciation of his DCI’s ministrations.

Annie stepped away from them, her head swimming as she took in the sight of them, so perfect together, both of them so beautiful.

Sensing Annie’s movement, Gene opened his eyes, silently searching her face, testing whether she would accept this or be repelled. He quickly took in her flushed skin and dilated pupils, stifling a growl when he saw her raise one hand to her breast, toying with her own nipple through the thin cotton of her blouse. Straightening up, Gene half turned Sam so that the smaller man was facing him. His piercing gaze never leaving Annie’s, Gene took Sam thoroughly into his arms, dipped his head and kissed him.

Annie watched entranced as Sam melted into Gene, Gene’s broad fingers controlling the movements of Sam’s head as he carefully, meticulously, kissed his DI into near insensibility. Remembering the soft intensity of Gene’s kiss, Annie let out an involuntary moan. Hot, liquid desire seeped from her body as she ached to be back in their arms, to touch and to be touched by either of them - both of them.

Breaking apart, Gene and Sam turned towards her with frightening unity, each of them holding out a hand to her and, casting aside any inhibitions she may have had left, Annie threw herself towards them.


gene, gene/sam/annie

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