Happy Anniversary to
ddbrown and me... 10 years is a long damn time. :D
Oct 3, 1998 - We were a couple kids just beginning to figure out what adult life was all about, and buying our first house, which is also where we married. Hope was a tiny kitten, barely 5 weeks old on our wedding day, and fit in the palm of my hand.
Oct 3, 2008 - Settled in a rental house in a different state, with all kinds of crazy life experiences, and many more yet to come. Hope and his buddy Dancer are 10 years old, still romping and silly and huggable, and getting the full face of whiskers of an 'old dude' cat.
Somewhere in between there was a lot of life and events and rough times and joy.
And always love.
I'll be offline for a while tonight, watching anime with Daniel. :) Oh the cuteness!