Life sucks? That's why someone made this fanvid to cheer you up!

Jan 15, 2010 15:59

Festivid recs:

Wall-E: "Mr. Blue Sky"

What a perfect combo! The vidder does an excellent job here with both the color clues from the actual film, and in making the editing punchy to the song. The opening 30 seconds are really impressive, and I LOVE the villain intro.

Classic Doctor Who: "Lollipop"

Mmm, cracktacular. It's the Seventh Doctor fighting the Kandyman to "Lollipop". What the fuck is wrong with you if you don't want to watch THAT?

Slings & Arrows: "Unity Mitford"

Um, wow. Another great song choice - this time a song I've never heard before but which is perfect. I love the repetitious appearances of Oliver on a certain lyric until he gets his own segment, and the way it ships Ellen/Geoffrey. And I especially think the use of actual audio clips from the show, bookending the video, do great work at driving home the vid's thesis. Really good stuff.

Iron Man: "You Won't See Me Coming"

I think songs to fast vids are the hardest to do, I think there's not a lot of disagreement on this matter. This video takes a really fast song, and slams it with a ton of editing, but finds a good use of overlay to ensure that the lyrics and point of each section is understood.

Watchmen: "Afraid of Americans"

If you didn't know better you would think David Bowie wrote this song about the Watchmen. As it is, this video is kind of a perfect seething boil of the comic/movie's questions about the role of American power in the 20th century. Just about every choice of lyric to clip is really inspired - I especially like "Johnny wants to suck on a coke", and um, "God is an American."

Y'know what. This song has the line "God is an American." And it's a Watchmen video. If you don't want to watch that, okay, but that's a bit perfect.

Back to the Future: "Here It Goes Again"

You've probably seen it rec'ed a half dozen times by now, but yeah. Cracky brilliant fun, the vidder finds every possible parallel to highlight and poor, poor Marty McFly. fan

recs, fanvids

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