I applied to UNLV today - between that and going to the optometrist I am really feeling the poverty again. Wah, sixty dollar application fee? I hope I get in, but I'm not positive I have the best grades. I had a 2.5 in high school, and I technically only have like, twenty college credits. My best academic years were at SAIC, but it's a pass fail school and... technically I don't think they're going to send that transcript to them anyway.
(Pass fail is why I am sucking at this portfolio class. How can I be failing, we haven't even done anything yet? Except we HAVE.)
Anyway. Yesterday I got a great review for my short story in Drunk:
read it here. Fuckin' yay.
This article in the CityLife blog was a big downer about the economy here:
What?! Gambling won’t save Las Vegas? Part of me still doesn't believe that to be true - I KNOW Shane doesn't believe it, he thinks CityCenter's going to turn it all around here. That said, I do believe in the economic plan they outline. We SHOULD legalize prostitution and pot in Clark County - and then tax the fuck out of it.
Randomly awesome links:
Here's a bunch of pictures of an owl in a box. The Secrets of Star Trek Makeup, Part One,
Part Two, and
Part Three This got lots of buzz for being some of the only shots of the new Klingon makeup, which I think looks okay, but I'm not willing to give a full assessment until we see some ridges. More importantly: part one is about the background aliens, and some of the shots are the clearest ones I've seen. I imagine this piece will be hugely important for cosplayers.
Happy Birthday Harvey Pekar! Lots of awesome drawings of Harvey Pekar.
Boing Boing has an amazing rundown of the art and design of Beatles: Rockband For those of you who do not rock... a joystick. Or anyone into art, or the Beatles.
Regretsy is the blog of... regrettable Etsy projects.