Jan 05, 2009 21:36
I inexplicably thought of a painting in the deYoung today. The painting is of a person's room, full of weird occult books. It is kind of green, and painted by a San Franciscan in either the 60s or 70s... it's a couple of rooms down from the giant Yam coffin, with the other native Bay Area paintings.
Naturally, I don't remember the artist's name, and can't find it in the online collection. Nngh. I hate it when shit like this happens! I took a camera phone picture and everything, but that was oh so many phones ago. (I wish I had facebook then, because I would have uploaded all those pictures. I had several nice ones of the beach and the Golden Gate Bridge...)
It's driving me crazy enough to want to drive up and find it, but with my luck it's probably part of the rotating collection.