When Lifeaffirming = Tired Leitmotif

Oct 23, 2007 11:25

Setup: The original version of Nisay garnered some criticism.

darlas_mom asked: " From genocide to celebrity assfucking in ten easy steps? WTF?! How could anyone think that could possibly be okay?!"

I came back with the following:

It's lifeaffirming. The people that live there are poor but happy even though they have much less than the fabulous young lovers.

"We're a couple of rich white guys and we're just on vacation and more in touch with our humanity than ever before." Cue sunset.

Maybe they'll adopt a smiling child and learn more about love and laughter as the child is more in touch with life, nature, and What's Really Important than kids back home.

ics, fandom how you make me crazy, race, unbiting my tongue, fandom, isms, writing, slash, supernatural
