Effery, Yuletide, and EFFERY

Oct 10, 2007 00:08

This time with straight-up disrespect.

" Hey, I feel left out. Maybe I've got a reason?" Is not an attack.

But I guess as far as SOME people are concerned, if you're not a member of a certain club, you should just be grateful if you're allowed to pass. Maybe.

I mean, am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? What do I think I'm seeing? Variations on, "Shut up, how dare you bring your religion/self/identity/agendas into fandom. Who do you think you are?"

ETA: Don we now our flameproof armor: one fan's perspective on the discussions regarding mamadeb's post.

ics, unbiting my tongue, fandom, isms, racism, fandom how you make me crazy, faiths
