On Friday I mentioned to Ali and Ellen (and dog) that I didn't have anyone to go with to Prom and they started talking about date-bots, envisioning these robots you'd program to tell you that you'd look nice and everything.
Ali: "Someone would go up to it and ask its name and it would say 'Bot-157'."
Oh my goodness.
It is making me a little crazy, though. It seems like everyone paired off weeks ago. Anyway. I need to think of a random someone to go with in the near future as to partake in this venture. Any ideas?
In other news, Clover was adopted from the shelter today.
It's sad, since I won't see her again, but it's great that she's got a home.
Now it's just me and Patrick.
Well there's others, but they really haven't gotten used to the shelter yet. We'll see.