My absolute favorite trope in fanfiction (and I'm saying this now because I've only recently come to terms with this flaw in my design) is where someone is a spaceship. Or, to be more specific, The Ship Who Soared AUs.
The Ship Who Soared (and other stories) is a series by Science Fiction/Fantasy queen Anne McCaffery. You know, she wrote all those dragonrider books. It's about humans whose bodies are sick or failing or pretty much just awful, so they get their brains plugged into spaceships. It's really cool. And it is my favorite, FAVORITE AU fanfic trope!!!!
The only problem is... there really aren't that many of them. AT ALL. In fact I've only seen two.
Years ago,
lasergirl69 wrote a Firefly AU where Wash is Serenity. Wash is the spaceship. I went looking for it yesterday and I finally found it again. Now it's on AO3. It's called, well,
The Ship Who Soared, and not only is it wonderful and fulfilling of all my loves, it's also really REALLY well written. It's also unfinished, and pretty much nobody's seen/read this. But it's really good. Guys, it's really good.
Recently, someone wrote an Inception AU where ARTHUR is a spaceship. Well, it's first and foremost an AU in that inception now takes place IN SPACE, and secondly that Arthur is the spaceship.
Ghost in the Machine by
So my question is this: DOES ANYBODY ELSE KNOW ANY MORE OF THESE FICS??? Seriously people, I love it. I think a Cowboy Bebop one could actually be perfect.