★ IC Permissions
☆ PHYSICAL AFFECTION: Sure go for it. He'll probably blush and stutter, or freak out.
☆ PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: If you want to hit, or attack Tsuna you can. How ever you might feel bad after... Or feel very disappointed.
☆ RELATIONSHIPS: Tsuna is pretty much a Kyoko Sasagawa fanboy. He's not likely to get into a romantic relationship with anyone other then her.
☆ PSYCHIC & PSIONIC INFORMATION: Tsuna himself isn't psychic, how ever his mind is open to those who are if they'd like to try.
☆ MAGICAL INFORMATION: If you want to you could consider his ability magic, though he can only bring dolls to life. It has no effect on humans. As for other people using magic on him? Well just ask first depending on what the spell, or what ever, does.
☆ MEDICAL INFORMATION: Nothing extraordinary going on with Tsuna medically. Though he does have a serious loser complex, and is prone to depression.
☆ OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS & TRIGGERS: Just don't try to threaten his friends. you can say what ever you want about him, but do not threaten his friends.
★ OOC Permissions
☆ BACKTAGGING: Always. After all I'm not online all day every day.
☆ THREADHOPPING: Ask first please
☆ FOURTHWALLING: Sure go for it. Tsuna's reaction could be funny.
★ First Impressions
☆ VISUAL: Scrawny, weak, and average.
☆ AURAL: Helpless, "no good", useless, kind