Nov 08, 2004 20:15
final update before i make part to bed.
I got paid a reasonable ammount, so in my account now stands $468. Although after all was done, i have left only $140 but $500 saved, and my $40 parental board paid. Things are looking up, if my rent is only $150 a week, the food $80, my car $40 and going out is limited to $60 per week, i can pay and save for car stuff rego insurance and services too.
($330 p/w overallexpenses then savings = $100ish)
Of course im trying to give leeway, last week i worked only 4 days though there was overtime, but hoping to find a place luckily like cat and mel, would rather get into the good eating habits and work only at $50 for food a week, im only spending about $20 on fuel right now. Im only traveling perhaps 200k pw, as opposed to last couple of months with dave, and then the extra job which meant up to 800kms were traveled in a week.
yeah this could be okay.