(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 17:00


Today was a huge fucking waste of my life.

Other then working, i finished up, and decided to get a "shielded RCA cable". Now a shielded RCA cable is just a normal shielded cable, with RCA connectors. A shielded cable itself, is a normal cable, (copper wire, enclosed in PVC) which is then wrapped in another layer of copper and PVC, this copper wire isnt actually connected to anything but asks as a shield for the internal cable. This means that the external Copper wire gathers all the "extra" unwanted electrical currents (aka interfearance) and transmits it to earth. (as opposed to transmitting it to the speaker, where its litterally white noise).

I went to dick smiths and asked for shielded RCA cable. They delivered. I asked again to make sure "its shielded right" without hesitation he said "yup", i was skeptical, because of the thinness of the actual wire, but because he works at dicksmiths, and because he was rather confident, i thought it would be rude to ask one more time.

I went home, pulled out the old RCA (about 2 days old), installed the new RCA cable and well. Same as before. Knowing full well it was the cable, i went back, asked them if this was a shielded cable. The guy on the counter laughed, and said "no". I asked for a refund, and he delivered. BUT HE ALSO DELIVERED ME INPORTANT INFO. "Jb hifi sells Shielded RCA cable, trust me i use it in my car, comes with a remote cable too. Pretty convenient. Even if they say they dont, just look, you should find it."

So here is the most annoying part: The driving from tehre on got really shit. I WAS at indooroopilly central (dave pete etc knows where) so leaving, you gotta get back onto the roundabout. I pulled into the "out" driveway, and waited for a break in the traffic. Then a FUCKING VAN came alongside me, proper fucking my view of the incomming traffic, and skipping the que that was ensured because he was almost on the grass. His window was down. "Good fucking manuvre jackass." "he guy who was in the passenger side heard and wound up the window. So eventually i used him as a meatshiled, and when he pulled out, i pulled out alongside him. 1) this meant he couldnt get into the fucking lane i wanted, and 2) it didnt slow me down.

Comming OUT of the roundabout, i was doing 60, pissed that the guy had the nerve to do that. Then a car swerved infront of me hoping to make the tiny gap in the traffic, despite the fact he was moving 50kph slower then us. i swerved into the free lane gently, i could see him eyeing it, so i knew what was gonna happen. i was around him in a flash, moving 50kph faster, and jumped back into my lane so he knew he put me off. OUT of the fucking roundabout, comming past KFC, another dickhead decided to pull right in front of me. Now this i expected too, because you wait and wait there... and you just end up pissed off and go anyway. But this fuckstain didnt even accellerate, so she was going 10 up the fucking hill, apparently she thought she had the lane to herself, so i pushed the brakes hard enough to lock for a second, so that my sudden slowdown wouldnt go unnoticed, (she pulled right in front of me, she had a little space because i expected her to get up to fucking speed) and she still didnt speed up. I have no idea what her problem was, but i quickly turned off to the indooroopilly entrance.

After getting to JB indooroopilly. CLOSED FOR FUCKING STOCKTAKE. FUck off!. I screamed some, i abused some, i even thought about kicking the door. "Learn to stocktake at night like evryfucking one else. Dickheads." I went back to the car, and left.

More car problems as a fourwheel drive decided that it needed to give a bus, an extra half lane width of space (while it was stopped in its own lane outside indooroopilly bus station), and then again at the top of the hill that leads past indooroopilly state school. The fucking blond talking to her boyfriend decided that the green arrow wasnt enough for her to turn. I beeped her. Nothing. I beeped her. Nothing. I fucking held down the horn before it turned red, and she throws her hands up in the air and finally moves. Fucking automatic drivers never learn how to keep their mind on the car.

I had to follow her some while, and when she finally did turn off, she didnt indicate, as i knew she wouldnt, so i swerverd dilebrately around so she could see me, and held up my thumb and yelled my observation of her turning habbits. somewhere along the line of "NICE INDICATOR BLOWJOB."

Tomorrow i start work at 5am. Gotta be up at 4am. Hooray. Got paid, for some strange reason, it seems to be missing about $80 - $120. Fucking work. Gonna talk to phil to see if he can REALLY give me a job, and secondly, if it pays more. I dont dislike the work, it has many perks, but im about money.

EDIT: Finished watching Haibane-remnai. Overall opinion 5/10. SLow plot, poor story. One message prevailed throughout, to seek forgiveness, one must first forgive himself. To forgive youself, you must acknowledge what you are, what you have done etc. Kind of sad. A good way to pass time. Aka not tv =p
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