One week down! 4748734857HJKFK left to go T_T

Aug 31, 2008 00:32

Yatta!! I survived my first week of college!! :DD (not that it's much of an accomplishment, but let me just relish in my achievement for now.)

But now I have about 534978SDFJKLKJ an unfortunately huge amount of weeks left to go =/ haha Oh, well. It's all for my education. I just hope that I reach my goal of finishing my BA degree in at least 4 years. *prays silently*

Anyways, I won't list which courses I'm taking on LJ because that's just pointless and a waste of a post, but the bottom line is that I really like my classes! :D Even though Japanese is quite hard to follow sometimes, I'm still eager to learn. Also, I was actually surprised when I found my math class fun. And honestly, in the past 18 years, I always linked the subject math with negative words such as confusing, difficult, boring, etc. However, when I'm in my current math class, I actually enjoy learning how to solve the problem presented to the class and discussing it with my group. Go me!

What else? Oh, on the night of my first day at school, I got homesick to the max ='( I'm not sure why it happened all of a sudden, but it started when I was on the phone with Ryan Hoang (my best guy friend) while I was walking back to my dorm, when all of a sudden I felt this sad imaginary wave crash over me. I know that sounds weird, but it's just that out of nowhere I felt so miserably sad and homesick that I couldn't even fight back that tears that fell down my face. So, when Ryan hears me sobbing on the other line, he asks, "Tasha, are you crying?" And of course, the emotional dork that I am, can't hide my tears so I openly cry as I get into my dorm and crash onto my bed. (all the while I ignore my roommate giving me bewilidered looks for my tearful entrance.) So, long story short, Ryan tells me to calm down and I tell him that I'll call him back when I'm fine again. Then Claire calls me, so I cry to her and I cry to my parents as well after that.

Yes, I know what you're thinking: "Geez, whatta crybaby." But hey, I can't help it that I'm emotional and don't hold back anything when it comes to my friends and family.

But after my whole cry session, I felt much, much better!! It's like a weight has been lifted off of my chest *sighs out of complete relief*

Alright, enough about my sad homesickness and start talking about happy things. =]  Besides, it doesn't take much to make me happy ;] Oh, I met this girl named Stefani who is a super spiffy Johnny's Entertainment (JE) fan just like me!! Yatta!! I was soo happy to have met her!Even though we just met, I think she's pretty awesome and I can't wait to explore JapanTown with her next week. Omiigoshh, I think I'm going to go crazy there. Um, she's probably reading this right now, because we exchanged LJ accounts. So.. Hi Stefani! What's up? haha

Another happy thing is that I'm slowly feeling more independent each day! Mostly because I was able to take the MUNI and the bus to my Auntie Cynthia's (Cha-Cha) apartment all by myself. Wow~ I'm a big kid now ;DD I stayed the night at Cha's place and she took me out to a really cool Japanese restaurant last night. It was soo yummy. Man, I love Cha-cha; she's such a wonderful aunt! And then earlier today, she made me breakfast with rice, in which I really missed. And then in the afternoon, she took me to JapanTown, where I went crazy gushing over every little thing explored for a while, stocked up on snacks, and bought some stuff. I had to restrain myself, I mean, I didn't want to look around too much, because I'm going there again this weekend with Stefani. Yayy~ two trips in one week! It was soo cool!! haha

Third happy thing is that I joined the school's gym and I've been working out lately. I'm proud of myself because I woke up 6 in the morning to go work-out the first day and then on Thursday, I was there for an hour and a half. So, yay for me and my health!! Although I'm kinda out of shape and I've been feeling sore lately. x]

Oh, oh, I must talk about my newest obsession: Big Bang!!

I know it's not the best pic of them. But omiigoshh, they are this awesome South Korean hip-hop/R&B group, who are super HOT!! I love their music! And they have the most interesting music videoes! So far, Tae-yang is my favorite member ;)

However, Big Bang still hasn't taken the place of Yaotome Hikaru<333 in my heart.

Kyaaa~ He's soo handsome!! XDD Omiigosh, I bought the September issue of Duet (a Japanese idol magazine) and I practically droolled over the pics. XDDD

Ok, I'm going to shut up now and go through the Duet magazine again. tee hee~

homesickness, personal blog

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