Well...the boy is officially 11 months old....time to start planning the big b-day party. It was suggested that the FIRST party should be a small one, but I seem to have family coming out of the woodwork who hasn't met him yet and thinks that would be the best time :) Poor kid....gonna have half a dozen or more strangers all in his face at once, but I guess that's all part of growing up. One aunt in particular kind of pissed me off though when she said that she would come, not to celebrate his b-day, but so "he doesn't feel unloved because his father isn't going to be there". I wanted to yell out to her you bitch, how dare you even suggest that he can't be loved enough by just his mother. I didn't......I deserve a Klondike bar.....am still waiting for it.........
Anyway.....Tommy is starting to talk a bit.....says mama....and baba (stands for everything else so far)....says yeay and oh (usually when he knows he's done something he isn't supposed to do. He is trying to walk....does the holding onto the furniture and cruising thing...has taken one step un-aided, but crossed his feet in front of each other and fell....BUT he walks wonderfully side by side with me, unless he tries to run, then he goes in a circle :D
well that is about it for now....here's a newer pic for everyone.....he's "reading" to his cat Milo Spook....