Sep 22, 2004 20:41
Well, two days I have to make up for here, and to be honest, I can't remember much of what happened yesterday. Charla a horrible turn of events in her life and so much of the day was spent thinking about her. Also, yesterday was hard-core study time for our tests that we had today. We spent all our spare time studying. We went to BCM last night, great fun once again. I met a girl named Sarah yesterday and I invited her to go and she went, it's great to show people what is available on campus. More and more comes up everyday. Yesterday I had no flight lessons, no exciting stories, stay tuned to my entry tomm. for great fun.
So... moving on to today, more eventful really. We had our first two college exams within a two hour time span, they turned out to be pretty easy, I am so glad I did all that studying. So, it now feels like friday after such a stressful day. We celebrated doing good on our tests by going to the career center to get on the employer network system on campus. Not much success, they lied to us about that Career Center. Oh well, so we have appointments. Then we went to dinner, then to WALMART to spend a good two hours looking for nothing. Great times. We got some pop for Survivor tomm. and Al got the Top Gun Soundtrack which is really awesome! So now, we are chilling, I have skipped two meetings already tonight, I just don't feel like moving, dead tired. So that is my life in the past two days, I will check this out again tomm after my floor meeting to let you all in on my life once again. Shout out to my grandparents in Detroit!