Feb 25, 2005 16:44
why is it that when i am in a bad mood its revolved around meghann or friends? than you tell me that i need to give it time. well i have no time. i am the most impatient person you will ever meet. the only reason people say that is because they want you to forget about it and that something good will come out of it. or that nothing will ever come out of it, possibly only bad. ahhhh. give things time. i am not going to wait around for this. waste my life on something pointless and than get mad because it took forever to come through. life is short and i am not about to sit and wait not at all. i guess if thats what you are going to say for advice dont say it. it will only make me more mad and make it worse. this isnt pointed right to you elizabeth i just need to say what i feel and i would like to say that just about everyone has told me what you did. and i dont care anymore. if i have to give it time than i say hell no i wont. i know i should wait but whatever. if it happens it happens if not it doesnt. but i am not gonna watch the time go by wondering when its the right time. its taken too long and i am sick of it. a year is almost here and i havent gotten any results. so i think you are all just running your mouth. whatever. ill figure it out myself, is what it will come to. why does everything have to have time? if it has to happen than it should at that very moment when it is thought if not than dont bring it or let it happen.
other than that little piece. it feels like i am stuck in a snow globe. i hate snow.
nothing happend today. it sucked. but whatever. thank God today is Friday and i have the weekend. if any of you bored ones wanna hang out. cell it.