Jun 14, 2007 09:17
Some small birds have built a nest above the drainpipe on the landing of my apartment building, and even though they shit all over everything and leave piles of straw and crap at the bottom of the stairs, I cant be even a little grossed out when I walk out in the mornings and look up to tiny little baby-bird heads poking out over the drain pipe. The mornings are damp, and the afternoons are pregnant with moisture, heavy with thunderstorms. I am busy, always moving one thing to next, unlike my first 6-8 months here. Part of my adjustment was learning to fill every available second with something that would keep my mind off of things like "lonliness," "Isolation" and "frustration" etc. Now, whatever the reason, those things no longer adhere to me; in the mounting humidity...they glide past, slide off my back and shoulders..."what did I see? Summer waits in the leaves, as lovely as I've ever known...happiness just comes and goes" ...I go from work to Japanese class to work to gym to post office to work to eikaiwa to work to kanji juku to gym to work to doctors to barber to grociery store to work to eikaiwa to any given slew of mindless weekend parties....And that's my week...not to say that things have been so run of the mill lately, in fact, I can just begin to feel them settling in to this rhythm...and feel a small sense of loss for the aimless hours of introspection and journal-writing of the fall and winter. I have a lot of future to think about lately. I must cancel my phone, my gas, cable, electric, water, my bank, and my car in not so long a time...I must also get a Japanese drivers liscence (yikes), decide whether to take the offered apt or not, begin a new bank, water, cable, electric blah etc., plan my trip home, work out stuff with the pension refund, get a plane ticket approved, move, prepare materials for classes....gah. くるくる。。。パ! I have the new ALT's information, and I must compose a detailed letter on all the nitty-grits on life in this busted-ass place...Oh Veronica Rose, Oh sweet tap-dancing Christ, may God have mercy on your soul.