
Nov 07, 2005 04:10

This is how quickly A Midsummer Night's Dream happened. A Midsummer----END! Can't even say the whole phrase and it ended. Man. But it was fun. We had an awesome run and put on a hell of a show. Now it's Monday and I am going to kill my teachers for making us bring our books to school when we DIDN'T USE THEM *snarl*. Ugh, whatever. So back to Midsummer, it was awesome. I have a lot of pictures that I need to post but once I do I will notify you all. Haha umm what else..The cast party was pretty fun. I wish I didn't have to leave as early as I did though. Big props and a hooray to Nicole for hosting it. That takes big balls, but it's cool, we've known Nicole has big balls for a while now :p LOVE YOU DEARLY! And so Wednesday is MIFA Auditions. I so so so so so so so so so hope that I make it in. I'm really nervous and working on the monologue right now. *sigh* Okay well I should be going, I have a hella amount of homework to finish. Sounds fun, no?
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