I'm so proud of Liam!!!!

Jun 18, 2009 21:35

This is Liam's first week in a group called Wonder Kids. It's an "evening camp" type thing for elementary age kids on the autistic spectrum. He has been doing *phenomenal* this week on the 2 days he's been there. (Yes, I know 2 days isn't much, but I'm gonna enjoy it!!!) Yesterday, he even won the nightly "Achievement Award"!! This means that he followed all of the directions and did the best. I was so proud, I could have burst!
Then today, he comes home from school and, after some prompting, he says he doesn't need me to give him candy for his green day... he already has some. I ask where he got it and he says "At the award thing today at school". Ummm.. ok... So I ask "Did you win an award or did you just get a treat?" Turns out he won an award and didn't really think to tell me about it. He won "Most Improved Behavior" for the year!!!!!

And I'm going to say it again....


This is the kid that was strangling kids at the beginning of the year and causing such a disruption that I couldn't work at E-day. He was being violent and rude... now he is polite and behaves! (Well, at least as much as any almost 6 year old boy does!) We've seen SUCH a dramatic change in him over the last year, and even a pretty significant change in the last few weeks.

I just had to brag ;)

ecs, amazed, school, award, liam

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