Yeup, so I got that new job, right. And first day, I was assigned an actual office. Well, not an office, but a cubicle. But it's not one of those stupid call agent cubicles. It's one of the MAIN CUBICLES. And I'll have my own nametag on the cubicle wall. Cool no!? Yes it is cool. Anyway. Defying all security policies I've taken some pictures of it. Enjoy.
One day in the future I'll probably buy my own comfy office chair. :-D Cuz these chairs suck.
Anyway. Most employees get only a 30 minute lunch and 2 15 minute breaks. I however, as a level ABOVE a regular employee, I get an hour lunch. And breaks whenever I want. Also, there was an executive lunch the other day. And you know how sometimes they give the leftovers to the supervisors and such, but not the regular call agent employees? Well I WAS ONE OF THOSE GUYS THAT GOT SOME OF THE LEFTOVERS! awesome, no? Yes.