
Apr 25, 2014 20:43

I'm not on LJ much nowadays. Sorry.

What I am on is Bubblews. It's a fun community, full of interaction, and the reason for this is because I get paid for each view, "like" and comment. Everyone does, so it's a two way street, writing good posts that others will come to read and finding good connections whose posts I like to read.

If I put my mind to it, I can make fifty dollars a week. Whoop-de-do! Yeah, but that's fifty dollars more than Livejournal is paying me, and it's two Kiva loans and it's fun.

So, if you want to see what I'm up to - usually with photographs - just go to Bubblews.com and click on my latest posts.

Hey, sometimes I post ten times a day, which is more than I ever did here on LJ!


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