My Political Views
I am a centrist moderate social libertarian
Left: 0.12, Libertarian: 1.28
Political Spectrum Quiz My Foreign Policy Views
Score: -1.44
Political Spectrum Quiz My Culture War Stance
Score: -3.91
Political Spectrum Quiz I always call myself a militant middle-of-the-roader, mainly because I detest extremists who see their views as representing ultimate truth, but according to this quiz, I'm not so militant.
Some of those questions try very hard to pigeonhole the participant. Abortion, for example - my views are that abortion is fine in some circumstances, but not in others. More specifically, the first trimester, the decision is the woman's. The middle, ask a doctor. The third, ask a judge. (This assumes that doctors and judges are reasonable people, but of course there are extremists in every group.) There's no absolute black or white answer, in my view, but I know that if you spend a year arguing about it, the issue is resolved.
And who knows what weighting the quiz compiler gives to various questions? Some of the problems that perturb Americans are immaterial to others.
If you want to find a good match for my political views on US subjects, Jeb Bartlett of West Wing usually has me nodding in agreement. I remember with glee one episode where he really sank the boot into some fundamentalist broadcaster, rattling off a dozen inconsistencies or absurdities in the Bible. That was fun. Then again, I'd probably equally enjoy a well-written scene attacking a die-hard atheist.
Tolerance and respect for others is what i value, but now and then I get into trouble when I lash out at the intolerant. Tolerance doesn't consist of putting up with people you like. Quite the opposite.