Jul 22, 2006 23:22
So my second week of work...
Friday... an Emergeny Situation
The children from week one, or possibly the metro have made me sick, I have a horrible cough plus some nice congestion. Friday I finally didn't hit traffic on my way to the metro, which is good because I was cutting it close. At the third stop the metro guy came on and said "We are in an emergency situation" Which is great when you're trapped in a tube headed towards the nation's capital in a thin metal tube at the start of world war three. It turns out a metro at the next station hit "someone or something" So that was about 20 minutes as they only let one train go though the station at a time.
I really do love the metro and think it's awesome in the underground, architecture kind of way, so I thought it was kind of cool when metro dude said a train was passing over us, thinking in 3-D BLOWS YOUR FREAKING MIND!
So this week we were in South West DC, and I saw some Hispanics at camp, and discovered that my boss speaks fluent Spanish, but it's a black neighborhood. I, being a preppy white girl with poofy, curly hair, a backpack and a youth sized large tee shirt, stand out a little on my half mile walk to the site. So Friday I was walking in a guy appeared out of no where and started walking next to me, and said something about it being a nice day. It was only about 87, so I agreed and he talked about how he just moved here from Ny and is working on the Hill for a congressman.... it ended with him inviting me to his apartment for lunch. I should be more concerned by this, but enh.
Work was boring; I didn't get home till 5 30ish.
Thursday work was concled so I stayed at home and felt like shit.
Wednesday was also boring, and I also felt like shit, but I went to work after being awoken by my mother who told me that 95 was closed and later called by my father who told me 95 was closed.
I bought drugs in DC bc CVS fails to open before 8am.
Tuesday work was canceled bc it was a code red heat day. Caroline came and we hunged-outs.
Monday when crisis occurs carrie gets more power!, during the first part of the morning session a child failed to see steps and walked straight out of the trailer (there were three steps) so we had to call and amb-ah-lance and I led the group of children who did not notice the fire truck and EMTs that came in lights and sirens, so go me.
So Saturday was my dad's birthday. We saw pirates, which was not Pirates, and ate Mongolian food. It's weird to feel weird about spending time with your father. I no longer want to kill him, but I don't think I could live with him ever again. And I guess I’ll never have to. Weird.
Thursday I didn't go to work, but instead had a BLAST going to the doctors, where I got free goodies, a blood test and carpel tunnel from filling out forms with my name, address, SSN, and insurance stuff. A THOUSAND TIMES. I want a fucking bar code I can just scan. While in the lab, waiting to get my blood stolen, I talked to a diabetic woman. Apparently I look like I’m 12 years old. It's weird to be talked to in a lab, because it is full of people getting STD and drug tests. Then I did all kinds of shopping and errands and such. I was a good liberal arts student and got coffee with Caroline in the EC, and by coffee I mean a flavored sugary cold drink at a coffee shop.
First day of work! Woo. It was hot and children touched me and I rode the metro. That's about it. My boss' bf is named whore-hay so I’m happy. I am also happy when metro men are on the metro.
Home, no more driving, got 20 calls from my father about nothing. I was tempted to move in to Katie's but summoned the energy to drive home. I almost ran out of gas, in the way that it was on emptry for 50 miles, and still had a gallon. CK looked good when Katie rode him, which makes it all worth while, not that it wouldn't be anyway.