Gaming Stuff + Meme

Nov 29, 2010 22:11

I'm glad to be home, but man it's been hot the last few days.

I finally bought Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I ordered it on Thursday and it was sitting on the doorstep this morning when I got up. I had some stuff to do this morning so I didn't start on it until after lunchtime, but I'm actually really enjoying it so far. It made me remember how much I love action/adventure games. Don't get me wrong, I adore puzzle based games like Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright, RPGs like the Final Fantasy series, and I could wax lyrical for hours about how much I freaking love Pokemon. Fact is, though, I learnt to play PS1 on action/adventure games, and when we got a PS2, Kingdom Hearts was one of the first games we bought. But I don't get a lot of time to play story-based adventure games during term time, so I do tend to favour Pokemon or PS1 games like CTR. I wish I did, because I have SO MUCH FUN with them. I unashamedly adore button smashing and strike combos, and the Kingdom Hearts series is very much that type of fighting. I may post an in-depth review when I finish the game, but I'm liking it so far. People say Birth By Sleep is better, and I wish they wouldn't, as it makes me want to play it and I don't have the means to save up for a PSP right now D:

Day 007. Your favourite sidekick: Charlotte

Charlotte totally counts. I love how much energy this character has. Nik Ranieri and his team did a fabulous job with how over the top and broad she is as a character, yet still keeping her realistic enough that her more serious scenes would stay believable. She is just so FUN and I love her. Every time she's on screen she's the centre of attention, and I think she's the perfect counter balance to Tiana's down-to-earth and realist personality. Not only that, I love how genuine her excitement is, and how she genuinely cares about Tiana. She gives up her dream in a heartbeat for her friend, and I like that she isn't Tiana's rival for Naveen when given the opportunity. As soon as she knows Tiana and Naveen are in love, she backs down immediately, and she does so for the right reason (also, I bet she totally ships them).

Day 008. Your favourite villain: Ursula

This is technically a tie between Ursula and Facillier, but I didn't want all my answers to be Princess and the Frog. I love Ursula's confidence, and I think it's that confidence that ultimately seduces Ariel into accepting her bargain. I love the way she moves as well; the way she slinks around is perfect for her style of subtle villainy.

Day 009. Your favorite original character: Mickey

How could it not be?

Day 010. Your favorite song: I'll Make A Man Out of You

NO COMPETITON. If you follow me on Twitter, you've probably already surmised this. Listening to this song makes me feel awesome. LIKE I CAN DO ANYTHING. I don't think I'll ever get sick of it.

Day 011. Your favorite love song: I Won't Say I'm In Love, Kiss the Girl

I Won't Say I'm in Love was me for like, all of high school. Then I worked out it was okay to like boys and it didn't make you vapid so I got over it. Also I just love singing to this song. I like singing to songs that you need to really belt, and this is one of them. The attitude that Meg has also really comes through in the song. She completely owns it. Not only that, but the garden that the song takes place in is probably one of my favourite sets in any Disney film. I'm especially fond of what I call the "Fountain of Love" xD
Kiss the Girl is a really sweet song, but the beat is reminicent of a rumba so I feel it's also kinda sexy. It like it because it's pretty but also seductive in it's slow and slinky beat. I feel like it's a bit more understated than most of the Disney love songs. Most of them tend to be sweeping ballads that get kinda old after listening to them a couple of times over. I'm someone who likes to put a song on repeat in the background, and this is a song I can literally listen to for hours without getting annoyed by it.

Day 012. Your favourite villain song: I literally cannot choose.

This is the biggest cheat yet. I ADORE Disney villain songs. I can be kinda iffy on their love songs, but damn, I love their villain songs. All the songs here provide different purposes as well. Mine, Mine, Mine and Gaston are primarily used to show us how vain and hammy Ratcliffe and Gaston are. Cruella DeVil takes a different approach and tells us about the villain from one of the protagonist's perspective. Be Prepared is an expositional song to tell the audience about Scar's plan and ambitions. Hellfire, which is hugely popular with older Disney fans, shows us Frollo's psychological battle between his faith and his carnal desire. The Mob Song is used to compress time and get your blood racing for the climax. Finally, Poor Unfortunate Souls and Friends on the Other Side are used by the villains to seduce the protagonists. The scope for what can be done with a villain song is much wider than other key songs like the I Want songs or love songs. They often have a lot of energy, and because of that, I really enjoy listening to them over and over. Not to mention singing them at the top of my lungs.

disney, meme, my geekiness let me show you it, games, fangirling

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