Fic Dump #10

Dec 27, 2011 11:32

Gosh it's been a while since I posted fic. I've been writing a lot but not much of it has been postable quality. Also life happened, so there's that. ANYWAY, have some fic! Two quite long pieces about Hades and Persephone because that is what my one-track mind has decided to focus on lately (much to erethesunrises's delight). Comments cherished and appreciated ♥

Characters: Demeter, Persephone
Content Warnings: Very obviously and deliberately inspired by Tangled.
Setting: Kind of an interqueal thing, taking place just before Persephone returns to the Underworld in this fic.
Word Count: 1072
Persephone watched out the window as the sun dipped towards the horizon on her final day on Olympus. On her lap was a garland she was making of flowers picked from her garden. The smell of her mother's cooking filled the house.

She felt as if she had discovered so much about herself these last few months. She was kind of nervous to be going back to the Underworld, to leave the sun and her new friends and her mother behind. Much more than that, though, she was excited. She felt like she had so much to tell Hades, so much to share with him; she felt completely different to how she had last summer.

"Kore, dearest, how are you feeling?"

Persephone looked up and saw her mother standing in the doorway. She smiled. "I'm fine."

Demeter gave a shaky smile in return. "You are so brave, my flower." She sat down beside Persephone and took her daughter's hand gently. "So serene in the face of adversity."

Persephone laughed a little nervously. "Well, Mother, I'm not sure I-"

"Shh, darling, there's no need to hide your fear." Demeter squeezed her hand gently. "I am your Mother, after all."

Persephone smiled, hesitating. "Mother would I... Um..."

"Yes, Kore?"

Looking into Demeter's smiling face and teary eyes made Persephone lose her nerve. "Um, well! I just... wanted to ask if you could do my hair before dinner. You know," she squeezed Demeter's hand, "one last time before I go?"

"Of course dearest!" Demeter stood and kissed Persephone's forehead fondly. "Wait here one moment and I'll get the brush."

"Okay!" Persephone's heart sank and she watched Demeter leave the room. How could she possibly share how she felt? Demeter hated Hades, and was terrified he would somehow corrupt Persephone, or manipulate her, or hurt her.

Persephone fidgeted with a flower in her fingertips; it blossomed and shone. But she paid it no attention. Demeter might be afraid of what Hades would do, but Persephone wasn't. So surely telling Demeter this would ease her mind? She must want to know her daughter was going somewhere she felt safe, somewhere Persephone was becoming more and more certain she wanted to be.

"Here we are, Kore." Demeter re-entered the room, startling Persephone out of her reverie. "Hop off the seat and I'll do your hair, that's a good girl."

Persephone obediently slipped off the window seat and sat on the floor, the pile of flowers still in her lap. Demeter sat behind her on the seat and took Persephone's long, golden hair in her hands. "Shall I put flowers through your hair, dearest?"

"That would be lovely, Mother," Persephone answered as Demeter began to draw the brush through her hair, firm and gentle.

"Are these flowers from your basket alright?"

"Yes, of course." Now that she was no longer facing her mother, maybe it would be easier to tell Demeter how she was feeling. Persephone took a deep breath. "You know, Mother, I'm not... afraid of going to the Underworld."

Demeter paused in her brushing for a fraction of a second before continuing. "Whatever do you mean, Kore? It's so dark and morose."

Persephone gave another nervous laugh. "Well, I suppose, but Hades is gentle and... kind." Demeter stopped brushing Persephone's hair altogether. "I really mean it, Mother. I think... I think he likes me." Persephone blushed as she said it aloud.

Demeter scoffed. "Oh Kore, of course he likes you. You're such a beautiful and charming young lady." She started brushing her hair again, and Persephone noticed she was pulling the brush slightly harder than usual. "But you know, he only likes you because you're pretty, darling. He doesn't really know you, and what a precious treasure you are."

"Mother, I really don't think-"

"Such a self-absorbed and heartless man could never really appreciate you for who you really are, Kore. All men are the same, dearest, and he's one of the worst of the lot."

"Mother," Persephone said pleadingly.

"Trust me, my dear, men only ever want one thing. And then when they take it they leave you in the cold." Demeter's tone was bitter and rueful. She sighed heavily. "If it had been up to me, you would never have known the pain they can cause."

Persephone's heart sank again. Hades didn't want to cause her any harm; she was so sure of that. She glanced back at her mother. When she saw how grieved Demeter's expression was she felt her nerve crumble away.

"I'm sure he doesn't... I mean... Oh, Mother." Persephone climbed back onto the window seat and took her mother's hand. "I just... wanted you to know that I'm not afraid. I didn't... I didn't mean to upset you. I thought... I thought you would be pleased."

Demeter looked up with an expression that Persephone had suggested Artemis was going to be married. "Pleased? Oh Kore, I'm afraid I really don't understand your babbling sometimes."

Persephone shrugged apologetically. "I know... how you like me to be brave."

Demeter gazed at Persephone a moment before brushing a lock of hair lovingly back off her forehead. "My darling, I'm your mother. You don't have to hide anything from me. If you're afraid, you can tell me!"

"But I'm not-"

"Now now, dearest, there's no need to try to 'protect' me. I should be so terrified were I in your place!"

Persephone hesitated. Demeter's eyes were shining with tears but she was smiling encouragingly. Persephone swallowed hard and looked away. "Of course. You're right. I am afraid." The lie felt wrong, but she knew Demeter wouldn't accept anything else. Demeter made a noise of sympathy and placed her hands on Persephone's shoulders.

"There now, dearest. Doesn't that feel better? It's okay to be afraid." She pulled Persephone into a tight hug.

"Yes, Mother." When Demeter drew away, she cupped Persephone's face gently in her hands and smiled.

"You are such a good girl, Kore." Persephone smiled submissively in return. Demeter wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "Now then! Shall I finish your hair?"

"Of course, Mother." Persephone sank back down to the floor, her heart aching. She had hoped her mother might understand, but no. Instead, a chasm had opened between them. In that moment, sitting in the bedroom of her childhood with her mother brushing her hair, Persephone knew their relationship would never be the same again, and it broke her heart.

Characters: Hestia, Hades
Content Warnings: None, though due to a complete inability to write anything without someone holding my hand I should mention that erethesunrises helped a whole lot with getting Hades right.
Setting: Past
Word Count: 1732
Every morning on Olympus was sunny, and much to Hades' chagrin, the morning after the Council was no exception. A bright, hot sun that warmed the fresh summer grass and enticed others out into the cool open air clashed vividly with his mood. When he opened his eyes and discovered light trickling through the gaps in the shutters, he rolled over with a groan and pulled the covers back up over his head.

But he had to get out of bed eventually. He was even beginning to come to terms with this when there was a gentle but distinctive knock on the door. He didn't bother to answer; he didn't have to.

Hestia entered the room, carefully balancing a tray as she pushed the door shut behind her with her foot.

"Good morning, Brother," she said, walking over. "I've made you breakfast."

When Hades didn't respond, she set the tray down on the small cabinet beside the bed and pulled back the covers with surprising strength. "Wake up!" He looked up at her with a scowl. Her smile faltered slightly. "What's wrong?"

With a Herculean effort, Hades managed to sit upright, rubbing his eyes. Hestia perched on the edge of the bed and rested her chin on Hades' knee.

"What time is it?" he said.

"Mid-morning. You were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to disturb you." He gave a non-committal grunt in response. "Anyway, I thought you'd like to have breakfast here rather than in the dining hall since I thought you must have a lot on your mind."

"Thank you," he said, glancing over at the tray.

Hestia smiled. "I know how Zeus annoys you in the mornings."

He blinked. "Ah. Yes."

"You should eat." Hades shrugged but shifted the tray onto his lap anyway. "How's work been?" Hesita asked, tracing her finger over the pattern on the bed covers.

"Busy." He broke off a morsel of bread and distractedly dipped it in the small saucer of olive oil. "Thanatos keeps getting his wings in a twist over tiny things."

Hestia giggled. "And I can imagine how sympathetic you are about that." Hades shrugged and she giggled again. "And how's Cerberus?"

Hades nodded slightly and forced himself to swallow the bread. It was delicious, as usual, but he had no appetite. "Good. He's doing great."

"I hope you're spending enough time with him."

"Of course." Hades looked up at his sister. "You don't have to beat around the bush with me."

Hestia's shoulders slumped slightly and she gave a nervous laugh. "I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk."

"It's you, though."

Hestia laughed slightly. "Okay, then." She took his hand gently. "How are you feeling?"

Hades hesitated before he sighed heavily. "Tired."


"Yes." He leant back against the head of the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Just... tired of this whole mess. Tired of being bossed around and everyone in this family making decisions for people as if the effects of those decisions don't matter."

Hestia tilted her head as she thought. "You don't think compromising is a good solution?"

"I shouldn't have to compromise about this, Hes. When two people get married, they live together. It's as simple as that." A scowl crossed his face. "Demeter just needs to learn to grow up. And let her daughter grow up as well, come to that."

"You know she's always been stubborn."

Hades gave Hestia a pointed look. "You know as well as I do that she's only being this ridiculous because it's me. She's always hated me. She'd be better off just letting go."

"Oh, of course! Because no-one else in this family ever begrudges anyone anything," Hestia said blithely.

"That's beside the point! She would never be this vindictive if it were anyone else!"

"Mmm." Hestia thought for a moment. "And what has Persephone said about it all?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does she want to stay with you in the Underworld?"

Hades paused. "I don-Yes. I'm certain. Mostly."

"'Mostly'?" Hestia raised her eyebrows.

"I did... I really did give her a choice, Hes." His voice was hoarse. "I didn't... I could never have..."

"I know." Hestia smiled and squeezed his hand gently. "I never believed that you did force that decision on her. Besides, Persephone may have mentioned something about it."

Hades looked up at her. "She did?"

"Oh what did she say?" Hestia's tone was suddenly playful. "Something about making her own choices, couldn't possibly tell her mother, feeling like an adult... I really can't remember, it was only in passing."

Hades stared at her. "She talked to you, didn't she?"

"We may have spoken a little, yes." The corners of Hestia's mouth were turned up slightly.

Hades sat up immediately and nearly spilled the tray onto the floor. "What did she say about me? Did she like it in the Underworld? Did she feel obligated to stay with me?"

Hestia laughed and moved the tray. "I don't remember precisely what she said-"


"I don't! She spoke to me because she had trouble figuring you out."

"What do you mean?"

Hestia suppressed a smile. "You aren't the easiest person to get to know, Brother."

"You do fine."

"Anyway, I did think she left me feeling somewhat more enlightened and slightly calmer."

"That means nothing to me."

"It means," Hestia said with a laugh, "that though she's been a little anxious, she doesn't regret her decision."

Hades went quiet as the full meaning of his sister's words sank in. It was as if he was sinking slowly into a warm bath, and all his anxieties and worries were being gently scrubbed away. He swallowed. "Really."

"Yes, really."

"Right. Well." He stared absently into space for several long moments before he frowned. "But what if she... What if she comes to regret it? What if she returns to me and realises that this isn't what she wants? That she could never..." He ran a hand through his dark hair.

"That she could never what, Brother?" Hestia prompted gently.

Hades opened his mouth to answer, but the words stuck uncomfortably in his throat. He looked away from Hestia and unconsciously squeezed her hand. "Brother?"

He shook his head. "I just..." He shrugged his shoulders awkwardly.

"You really care about her, don't you?"

Hades paused. Finally, he gave a small nod. "I do. She... I don't know how to explain it. She just means a lot to me," he said thickly.

Hestia's grip on his hand tightened. "Do you love her, Brother?"

"I don't know," he replied automatically. Hestia touched his cheek gently, tilting his face towards her.

"I think you do know, Brother," she said quietly.

Hades hesitated a moment before he met her dark brown eyes with his cool blue ones. He took a shuddering breath. "Yes. I..." He faltered and looked away from her. "I know."


"And... yes." He clasped her hand, fortifying himself. "I do love her." He glanced back at Hestia with a small, cautious smile. Her face lit up with a smile as warm and bright as a fire in the darkness. A hot blush crept up Hades' face against his will. "W-What?"

Hestia shook her head, still grinning. "I'm just so happy for you."

The blush was burning Hades' face bright red. He buried his head in his arms. "It's not that big a deal."

"Yes it is!" Hestia laughed. "All I want is for you to be happy and just seeing you talking about her and you just get so excited!"

"No, hush, you don't know what you're saying."

Laughing, Hestia crawled up the bed to sit beside him and wrapped one arm across his broad shoulders. "I'm just happy you're happy!"

Hades gave a muffled grumbling noise. He looked up at her, still blushing, the front of his hair sticking up slightly. "You can't tell anyone about this. I'm supposed to be the terrifying Dread Lord of the Dead."

"I wouldn't dream of it!" Hestia managed to say through her giggling. "I shall never reveal to anyone that you are, in fact, madly in love with your wife and wish to spend all of eternity with her."

"Good," Hades mumbled. When she wouldn't stop giggling he flailed and pulled her into a tight hug, muffling her laughter against his chest.

"I can't breathe!"

"You don't need to breathe," he muttered into her hair.

"Fires die without air!" she protested.

He started running his hand tenderly over her hair. "Shhh, you're fine," he insisted.

When her giggling finally subsided and the blush drained from his face, Hades loosened his grip and Hestia sat back slightly, still smiling.

"I'm so pleased for you, Brother," she said earnestly.

Hades smiled back, but it faded quickly. "I know you are. I'm just... worried."

"Oh? Why so?"

He shifted slightly. "What if... whatever else happens, what if she doesn't..." He tried to push the fear to the back of his mind. He couldn't bring himself to voice it. Hestia hesitated for a moment before leaning forwards and kissing his cheek lightly.

"Persephone will love you, Brother. She wants to." Hestia squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. "You just have to let her love you. You have to let her in."

"It's... difficult."

"You let me in!"

"That's different!"

Hestia laughed again. "Seriously, Brother." She rested her head against his shoulder. "She will love you. You just have to be patient and try not to worry."

"I know," he mumbled. He kissed her forehead. "Thank you, Hes."

She smiled teasingly. "No problem! Everyone deserves breakfast in bed once in a while."

He smiled back slightly crookedly. "And I've been so rude in eating so little."

"Exceptionally rude. Mother would be disgusted!"

"Oh, well then, I suppose I should eat it for her sake, shouldn't I?"

"Of course!"

He took the tray back onto his lap and started eating. Hestia stayed beside him, teasing and laughing the whole time. He even allowed her to open the shutters and let the sunlight come streaming in.

He was still annoyed about the so-called compromise, and he was still anxious that he was too unlikeable for Persephone to ever really love him. But for the first time in months the future was no longer so daunting. His heart was that little bit lighter and his breathing that little bit easier. Perhaps he could do this after all.

fic dump, character: persephone, character: hestia, myth, character: demeter, character: hades, fic

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