Today, I went down to the library and I found this beautiful old book on the shelf. I'm writing a paper on
Huldrych Zwingli and among all the rather mundane-looking titles, I found this charming little volume. It was published in 1880 and apparently belonged to a student from a Sunday School.
I've always had a love for old books; there's something so romantic about the musty smell of the yellowing pages, the way you have to treat it so gently because even turning the page can crumble off a piece of it. The thought that someone 129 years ago held this book and read the words that I'm reading now.
The cover is so beautiful. When I first found it, I think I stared at it for a good five minutes, running my fingers over the embossed images. I can't help but feel as if the book should contain magic incantations, instead of the life story of the reformer of Zurich.
Finding this little thing really did make my day. :)