Back from AC!

Jul 01, 2011 13:18

What a blast! We arrived on Thursday and I immediately went back to work on my sorta-secret project, Evergreen the Coyote! I really wanted to debut him at AC, but it was a close call. I stayed up for two days straight making the bodysuit and feet bases, pretty good considering I'd never made either before. Furred the feet, sewed on the neck, and attached the tail in the hotel room, whew! I finished him on Friday after dinner, then suited almost the entire rest of the con. It was so much fun. I spent a lot of time on this guy and I'm so happy with the way he turned out. I can't wait to start on another suit! I'm taking a little break to make a custom kigu for a friend of mine but after that I've got another project planned :)

Have some pics!


A few more pics and some construction notes are posted to fursuit, here. Bijou (the boy's new nickname) is working on the rest of the AC pics, so when those are done I'll link to his Flickr gallery. He got a lot of awesome photos.

I didn't go to a single panel this time, in fact the only events we went to were the parade, dances, and the dance competition. We were too busy suiting and socializing, so that works for me! We got to hang out with a bunch of folks we only knew online which was awesome, and we had a lot of quality time with some local friends we hadn't previously spent much time with. I organized a dinner at a local Belgian place which was a lot of fun, met some new folks as well as older friends. A bunch of staff from a local radio station was eating next to us, and they came over to chat for a while. They were all super cool and excited about the con, and clearly had educated themselves about the fandom. They covered AC last year and were really respectful and open-minded, which is unusual!

Otherwise it was just a lot of goofing around and hanging out. The dances were awesome. The weather was great (not too hot). I bought delicious Contact Caffeine soap (some bound for the UK and thejackalface!) and the first installment of Nordguard (GORGEOUS). I drank a lot of Belgian beer! The response to Evergreen was fantastic, it's so hard to feel proud of my own work and so easy to see the flaws, so to hear such positive responses at the con was wonderful. It was just a great weekend.

I'm recovering from a bit of PCD, but I've got Burning Man in late August, then RF in late September to look forward to. Hopefully the boy will have a suit by then!

costuming, anthrocon, cons, fursuit

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