From the mouths of liars

Sep 02, 2015 13:57

I haven't posted on here in probably ten years, but recently I've been realizing that putting my thoughts into words not only helps me organize some of the chaos going on inside my head, but also holds me accountable for the things i say and, ultimately, provides a platform from which to learn and grow. I.e. reading my thoughts from years ago, and the comments thereof, is a tangible way of seeing that i am no longer so narrow-minded and that i am willing to admit fault and change my views. Or that i AM being narrow-minded and refuse to bend, as the case may be. Either way, i feel that this is a positive and appropriate way of trying to educate and better myself. That being said, please keep in mind that anything i post here is merely what i feel, based on the information i have, and at this particular time. My humble ramblings will not be intended as set-in-stone convictions, and my opinions are open to debate and subject to change. End of disclaimer.

The subject i want to touch on right now is one that seems to have been obscured, if not outright abandoned, during my lifetime: Truth. My dad, for all his shortcomings as a father, instilled this value in me. My mom taught, but dad drove it home. He simply didn't tolerate anything less, or expect anything more. In his words, "Three things i can't stand are a liar, a cheater, and a thief." But really, we can blanket them all with one word: dishonesty. Or deceit. I don't know if it was my naiveté as a child that blinded me to reality, or if it's something that has taken such widespread form since, but it seems that everyone, everywhere, has lost all inhibition against lying. And in so doing, people as a whole have lost their dignity. I can remember a time when people would make mistakes, as is only human, and have the pride of self to admit it and endure the effects of those mistakes. Nowadays, denial seems to be the SOP(that one was for you, hughmanist😉). Denial or, worse, unwarranted justification. We see this every single day, and it's not just in our personal lives, but on a grander, global scale. Police lie as a whole to cover up the wrongdoings of individuals. Politicians, who granted are known liars, lie not only to win votes, but to cover up mistakes they've made, even when they have been undeniably caught in the act of deceit. The military lies to the very people it's sworn to protect and be transparent to. Lies are predominant in literally every facet of government and leadership. So what message does that send to the average citizen? What message, in turn, does it send to the children of the average citizen? That lying is ok and accepted. No one faces consequences for dishonesty, no matter the damage incurred, and so the entire thing is perpetuated to the point that nobody can trust anybody. How are we supposed to be "united states" when we are forced apart by distrust on every level? I personally am to the point where, unless it comes from my parents or the two real friends i have left, i simply cannot believe a word i hear without a lengthy investigation. Even then, there are times i have to look deeper into things, because although i believe THEY believe what they're saying, their source was likely based on lies, too. I feel that this pandemic has gone too far to ever be reversed, especially since half the time people don't even know that they're lying. It's scary, and it's saddening. So i beseech you, reader, to make a conscious effort not only to be honest in all things, but make it clear to others that you will not tolerate anything else. Honesty breeds honesty, and keeps us morally intact. You want to change the world? Let's start with ourselves; i think we'd be surprised how much improvement such a simple thing can bring.
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