Idiots...all of them, idiots!

Apr 08, 2008 10:17

Had a family get-together for my Grandma's 80th birthday. But, because one of my aunts can't get along with one of my uncles (apparently he stole a toy from her when she was a child or something stupid like that), she threw a hissy fit and we ended up having two parties, one including the uncle on Saturday, one including the aunt on Sunday. Saturday was plenty for me, so I stayed home Sunday.

But anyway, on Saturday, the uncle's wife was talking with my mother. The conversation drifted to my sister and her boyfriend (6 months now). The first words out of my aunt's mouth? "Do I hear wedding bells?" Ugh. As if dating anyone more than a month means that you should get married. That freakin attitude is why my cousin married a girl he'd gone out with for a short time. She ended up cheating on him and they divorced less than a year later. His mother pretty much forced him into it with her constant talk of weddings and such. Idiot.

Listen up lady, your children are all abandoning you because you're nagging them to get married out of high school! Wise up and shut your buck toothed mouth you idiot!
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