As some of you may or may not know. I'm going to be working on the design of a Steampunk RPG. So for the next while I'll be using this blog to document how it's going, changes, decisions, and generally just sticking all my thoughts and ideas in one place.
Pictures and stuff will posted when I can get them scanned.
Game name: Unknown. I'm aiming for something relative to steam and steampunk in general whilst still containing that twist of humour I'm known for.
Game art style: Bright vibrant anime style
Genre: Steampunk style RPG
But Scott, I hear you say, what on earth is Steampunk?
well... I'll tell you.
Imagine a world where electricity was never invented. Where the computer age never happened. Silicon chips don't exist. Everything is steam powered. Steam boilers, pipes, valves and knobs. But that didn't stop the people from developing tanks, airships, warships, giant skyscraper robots. Yup all of them are steam powered.
In fact you're probably seen or read works of some of the authors of the genre. Jules Verne? 20'000 leagues under the sea? Around the world in 80 days? They're the foundation of steampunk.
What I have so far:
Got three character so far. The Master, the apprentice (main character) and the apprentice's robot (sidekick).
The Apprentice who I've currently nicknamed Cog will be a mid 20's Steamtechie. A Steamtech is a Steam technicien, they build, invent and maintain steam mechanisms. He has the stereotype anime spikey red hair, generally wears mechanic style clothing, tool belt, big boots etc.
The Master currently named Grey, is Cog's teacher. He's a mid 50s guy, starting to go grey haired. He's almost always smoking a cigar and lugging around a massive 3 foot tall wrench that doesn't impede his movement in the slightest. He also liberally applies said wrench to the top of Cog's skull when he steps out of line. He's a master steamtech.
Robot sidekick, currently nameless. His appearance is a mixture of
Alphonse Elric and
ABC Warrior. His chest area will be showing off some cogs and gears inside. I'm currently comtemplating naming the sidekick Cog and finding another name for the apprentice.
Very little as of yet. What I do want to involve is:
Apprentice and sidekick travelling the world
Evil superpower with an enormous fleet of airships trying to conquer the world
Lots of Steampunk weapons, tanks, airships and mechs. Maybe even a
moving castle or base of operations, difficult to plan an attack on a base that's always moving eh?.
A commander Julian. Very steampunk appearance with capes and googles and stuff. Most likely his ship will be named the Vernicus (as a nod to Jules Verne)
Battle system I'm thinking of turn based at the moment.
The main resource in the game will be Steam. Steam will recharge over time or a fixed amount per turn, to represent the boilers still boiling away and making more steam. Normal melee attacks with swords, wrenches, fists etc won't use any steam but steam attacks will.
What is a steam attack I hear you say? Glad you asked!
Steam cannons and steam pistols. Boiler pumps the steam into a chamber, chamber pressure increases until you pull the trigger, the steam wooshes out and takes your cannonball or shot with it.
Robots fists? Sure he can walk up and clobber them, but why not build up the steam in his wrists and blast his fist out at high speed then pull it back using the attached chain!
a steam powered sword.
Ok this one I'm proud of. The sword hooks up to your carried boiler to fill the swords container with steam. Towards the tip of the blade, pointed away from the sharp end is a vent. When the user grips the sword a certain way and swings, this steam is released from the vent greatly increase the velocity of the sword and thus how much damage it's going to deal.
Another idea I have is a steam powered mace. The bulbous bit of the mace IS the boiler, it's also rediculous hot, so whacking someone with a searing hot mace is gonna hurt a lot more than just a lump of metal.
That's pretty much all I've got at the moment. The idea is only two days old though :P
I'll be adding more to this blog, including art and resources and things I'm reading for information later.