Apr 24, 2005 09:12
Well, went dancing, took lightsticks, did some spinning, pretty girl asked me to use them, lots of touching, smiling, eye contact, felt nothing, except nervousness that she was talking to me. So, why was it that this nymph was talking to me, but I didn't feel anything towards her? Dunno... I have just been in a weird mood lately, like "blah, yeah, she could be attractive, but I would have to find the effort to do so... " I should just be gay, then that would explain it, except that I'm not attracted to guys either. Guess I need a third option. Maybe I should just divide like an amoeba. Seems like a nice life-style anyway, just float around and divide. Sort of like being a dog, but without all the butt-sniffing. Whatever, maybe just as Erin said, I'm just meant to be alone for a while. Probably for the best anyway, the last girl that I was attracted to enough to do something about is bad news, and so were my first two girlfriends. My last girlfriend was one of the best things to happen to me, and there are still some days that I regret breaking up with her. That doesn't mean that it wasn't the right decision, just that I miss her some days. In any case, I think I will just mellow out and let things coast when it comes to relationships. I still can't quite bring myself to just having "casual sex" so unless I develop massive change in mentality, or massive head trauma, I will just have to keep being lonely and extremely selective at the same time.