May 27, 2008 13:57
My life is still boring, but I have managed to find some adventure in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Hrm lets catch u up.
Met Johnny Depp.
Met Johnny Depp.
Met Johnny for a third time.
Met Stephenie Meyer author of the hottest book ever. TWILIGHT.
Chatted with Steph about my book.
Wrote my book until I was injured from typing to long. (hehehe this isn't helping)
Turned 23.
Had to put my 15 year old dog Jasmine down.
After 15 years of looking I have FINALLY been reunited with my best friend Ban from childhood. SHE LIVES IN CHICAGO! Thats soooo damn close! I've been there so many times and never knew!
Hopefully I have 3 jobs now as a nanny, activity leader, and photographer at the Wisconsin Ren Faire.
I have now become addicted to the Tudors, both the show and the history. I love any book by Allison Weir. SHe rocks at telling history.
Bought the Tudors theme song and according to itunes has listened to it....145 times and thats not counting the 5 hour road trip where I made a cd and had ever other song be the Tudors theme song. YAH FOR CD burning!
Leaning towards moving to Phoenix in the fall. Maybe. Hopefully. I pray.
Single as hell.
I'm trying to buy a kayak.
I love love love Coldstone Oatmeal cookie batter ice cream.
I like sushi.
I need headshots.
The end.
I'm guessing if you check facebook you knew most of that, but there it is. My life in a nutshell. Hopefully there will be more exciting stuff to tell soon.