Oct 29, 2004 19:35
.:.the story behind your lj user name: some lyrics from a RHCP song that says "scarlet drawl" and I thought it said skylit drawl. I liked skylit better.
.:.where do you live?: Moore 208. BEST hall! Haha.
.:.describe yourself in five words: passionate, quiet, sensitive, independent, stubborn
describe your....
.:. Wallet: blue with a monkey on it.
.:. Hairbrush: one black one that I stole from my dad.
.:. pillow cover: spongebob squarepants, of course
.:. blanket: king-size blanket from mandie.
.:. coffee cup: lost it.
.:. sunglasses: my head is too small for sunglasses.
.:. underwear: now? blue string bikini
.:. boots: sorrels.
.:. handbag: handbag? you mean purse? I don't own one.
.:. favorite shirt: my new pink roxy one.
.:. cologne/perfume: clinique happy.
.:. cd in stereo right now: dashboard confessional
.:. piercings: two in each ear.
.:. hair: dirty dirty blonde.
.:. makeup: anything cheap.
.:. in my mouth: pepsi.
.:. in my head: doubt.
.:. wishing: I could figure myself out.
.:. after this: rounds w/ Blaine.
.:. talking to: Blaine. I think he's getting sick of my sarcasm.
.:. eating: nothing.
.:. Fetishes:
.:. what's next to you: I shouldn't be allowed to breathe.
.:. some of your favorite movies: Empire Records, 10 Things, the War
.:. something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: thanksgiving break
.:. something that you are deathly afraid of: spiders
.:. do you like candles? yeah
.:. do you like the taste of blood? I've never tasted blood.
.:. do you believe in love? I dunno.
.:. do you believe in soul mates? I dunno.
.:. do you believe in love at first sight? that's bullshit.
.:. who is your worst enemy? anything in a costume. costumes scare me.
.:. if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? a tiger.
.:. what are some of your favorite pig out foods? swiss cake rolls. cheezits. chips and salsa.
.:.what's something you wish you could understand better? myself.
.:. spongebob squarepants
.:. coffee
.:.alaskan amber
.:.dancing (unless it's country or swing)
.:.ra duty when there's a hockey game
.:.being hit in the jaw with a snowball. TIM.
Level two...
.:. Your heritage: Swedish, german.
.:. The shoes you wore today: White skechers
.:. Your weakness: I have no weakness.
.:. Your fears: spiders.
.:. Goal you'd like to achieve: I want to be an editor of a magazine. I want to be in shape. I want to find someone that really loves me. I want to find someone that I really love.
Level Three...
.:. Your most overused phrase: what's up.
.:. Your thoughts first waking up: crap, I don't want to get up.
.:.Your best physical feature: eyes
.:.Your bedtime: 1-ish.
.:. Smoke: Used to.
.:. Cuss: Fuck yes.
.:. Have a crush(es): I love Bartusch.
.:.Do you think you've been in {scary L-word}: I have loved people.
.:. Play an instrument: I play the drums, the guitar, the piano, and that's it.
In the past month...
.:. Drank: No.
.:. Gone on a date: Yes.
.:. Been on stage: Yes, fucking date auction.
.:. Been dumped: No. I've never been dumped.
.:. Gone skating: I don't have skates.
.:. Made homemade cookies: uhh....I don't have good luck with cooking cookies....yeah....
.:. Dyed your hair: Yes.
.:. Stolen anything: Yes.
.:. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes.
.:. Been caught "doing something": No.
.:. Been called a tease: No.
.:. Gotten beaten up: no
.:. Changed who you were to fit in: I smoked when I was 13. Of course I did.
Level 8...
.:. Age you hope to be married: never.
.:. Numbers and Names of Children: No children.
.:. boy names: Harry.
.:. girl names: Celeste and Bryseius.
.:. Describe your dream wedding: Outside. On the beach. In Alaska.
.:. How do you want to die: I want to fall off a cliff.
.:. Where you want to go to college/university? UAF.
.:. What do you want to be when you grow up: a drummer in a punk band.
.:. What country would you most like to visit: Mexico.
In a guy/girl...
.:. Best eye color?: Don't care.
.:. Best hair color?: anything but red.
.:. Short or long hair: don't care.
.:. Height: don't care.
.:. Best weight: don't care
.:. Best articles of clothing: boxer-briefs.
.:. Best first kiss location: if you mean on the person, I'd have to say the lips. If you're saying where, I don't really care.