You Say It's Only Me, And Im So Perfect For You

Jun 14, 2005 00:03

This karma payment plan I'm on has to be the worst cruelty, and I seriously think I don't deserve this.
Im scared of what comes next because I seriously don't know what I'm going to do as far as relationships, friendships, legal issues, school, etc.
So much has happened and I should have written about it, but blah... The Erin thing is part of this karma payment plan I talk about. I might be jumping into conclusions, but truth be told she is lying to me constantly. I'm okay with what she's doing because I know my role in this whole "fling", but she doesn't have to act like it's not and then get mad at me at something that she so strongly advocates against, lying. She tries to use school and work as her scapegoat but in her words, this is getting to be "pathetic".
Little by little this damn tight bond between my group of friends is slowly breaking apart. It's a shame but everyone knew this was bound to happen. Milhouse read my last entry and threw a fuckin drama momma temper tantrum. He took my whole I need to make new friends thing wrong and I didn't bother to explain myself. At first I was pissed that Milhouse is leaving to San Antonio...leaving us guys, but I could understand why left. I can't see why he chose his cousin over us, and that's what sucks.
After much thought, I support Milhouse going to S.A. I sure hope he fuckin reads this too. I can't talk to him when I'm in front of him cause it's just so fuckin annoying how every other word he fuckin utters is a god damn fuckin lie or stretch of some fuckin truth. Fernie said it best in which he said "he lies to impress" and to extent it's truth. Milhouse seriously has a fuckin problem with lying..this shit is a fuckin disease or problem. To cure this "problem/disease" he needs either of two things, a really serious girlfriend and moving to San Antonio.
A girl would deter Milhouse from lying. This may sounds a tad ridiculous or a stretch, but simple things like asking him "how many tires does your truck run on?"....and mother fucker would prolly say five. A simple what did you do today? is him giving a circumscribe answer, its ridiculous. Fernie was like damn dude you barely noticed he lies a lot, I've noticed since forever. Yes we've all noticed, but to the extent he does it now is pathetic. A good girl that would want honesty from him, and no lies would set him straight. And of course him going to San Antonio. This shit is his fresh start. New surrounding, new people, hardly anybody he knows in S.A. and he gets a clean slate. Hopefully he won't have to lie to people, or impress them..and give them some bullshit because he's starting new..and most importantly be the Milhouse we all know he is, and not someone he pretends to try to be.
I hope he fuckin reads this...and come up to man to man next time instead of some momma drama pussy ass text messaging on a rant. Seriously dude all this lying aside, Milhouse being himself would be a spectacular human being. He's an awesome guy, who loves his friends and family dearly, and like I said last entry in which he totally fuckin didn't read...but he'd be "the epitome of best friend".
That's why I really support him moving, I'm being selfish in wanting him to stay in El Paso, but if his lying is what he wants to do, a clean start is what he needs.
This sounds like some persuasive All my friends, including Juan think a fuck load of people read this shit it's funny.

Warped Tour is a couple of weeks homies Vic and DeShaun are prolly tagging along and we're having a Post-Warped Tour Hotel everyone is invited.

The new Coldplay is fuckin sex...whoa...and that Speed of Sound video with the lights...fuckin gets me watching everytime. And the way Christ is so cocky is just awesome to watch.

A need a new phone.....

DeShauns birthday is the 16th..I we'll be celebrating that, and then Milhouses is later in the month.

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