OK, back at the computer hanging out with my fish tank and radio... trying to make sense of something.
Well I was on the couch watching tv in my bedroom, getting myself relaxed and ready for bed. Getting drousy due to lack of activety. Perfect. Maybe I'll get up on time tomorrow for work if I fall asleep in a while.
Rusty (my hound dog) jumps up off the couch and starts walking back and forth looking at the ceiling.
What's up boy? You gone mental or something?
He starts barking like hell at the ceiling still pacing, fur standing up on his back.
Rusty is going frantic, and I'm trying to understand why. He goes quiet, sits, looking up, hasn't taken his eyes off the ceiling... I'm puzzled, I see nothing there.
Then the floor boards start creeking. SHIT, somebody is walking upstairs... I live alone *gulp*
I turn down the volume on the TV, and I hear the creeking going over to the northside of the ceiling.
Okey-dokey, well just to fill ya in, my up-up stairs is a bedroom/bathroom, nothing more, I rented it out to my old roommates. Its been empty for the better part of the year, aside from repainting the walls I haven't been up there in months. I guess maybe a few weeks ago perhaps... I live in a 100 year old Bishops mansion that has been converted into 3 condos. So there is presumably some history in this place.
I open my bedroom door and grab Rusty's green leash off the railing, hook him up so I at least have a barking dog in my posession that should hopefully give his life to save mine ;) lol J/K, I'd probably be like run dog! run! hahaha save yourself! lol
I'm at the landing, flick the light switch for the light at the top of the stairs. F'ing great, its burned out. OK, rusty and I investigate, yep, the dog is walking behind me up the stairs lol real heroic Rust... open the door and say "who's there?" Kay, I have no lights in this room now as it is empty aside from a couple shelves and a bed mattress on the floor for friends who are to drunk to go home. The only light is the 3 holgen lights on the ceiling fan... in the middle of the room. Ok, I'm thinking nobody answered... hmmm. Maybe nobody is here, well wonder whats on tv? teehee. Ok, F it. "Hello?" nothing, I walk over to the fan and pull the cord. Ah, let there be light lol. I let Rusty's leash go and sniffs around. Noneone here. *whew* Check the bathroom. Nobody here. Good. Then I realize the ceiling fan is turned on. I only turned on the damb lights!!
OK, I'm outty. Pull both cords, grab Rusty's leash shut the door and pretty much run down the stairs. The hair on the back of my neck is still sticking out!
Bed? lol, feel like I just slammed back 10 coffees. No bed right now. Couch? tv? Meh, warm glow of the computer screen, brightly lit fish tank will do in my office thanks. Hell might as well write this down! hahaha.
*Lights an American cigarette from a pack Sam gave me. Maybe that will help* lol
Well there it is.