Had a nice long walk this evening, brought my camera too so its time to whore this entry up! ;) hahaha So photobucket was being a total twat so I'll see if mypicgallery still works, couldn't get very good image quality out of it before :( But I'll try it. This is just walking down my street onto the paths that follow the thames river :) This is why London has the nick name "the forest city" because there is trees everywhere. Even in the densly packed areas if you look off an 8th story belcony you still see tree tops with buildings poking out, I admit this city is kinda pleasant to look at :)
The graphity this year is pretty lame-o, last year under that richmond street bridge there was some really nice artwork. This year its crap, but took a pic anyway! Next chapter, walking through the university of western with my doggy (university is like 2 blocks from my house) :)
EDIT: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I hate my pic gallery :( c'mon work photobucket!!! If you get all these temporarly unavailable thingys hit refresh :)