[Fun] HEROSTYLE (Jaejoong fancafe) website pimpage!
I am the pimp master!!
Yes, my pimpin' spree has not ended yet! But today I present to you something... kind of like my baby. NO NOT THAT! O.O
Today, or well yesterday, was Herostyle website's official opening! Yes you've heard right, Herostyle is now a website! After a couple of months of brainstorming and lots of trial and error, it's finally here!
For those of you who are not familiar with what Herostyle is. We are basically an unofficial international fancafe for Dong Bang Shin Ki's Kim Jaejoong! We started out back in September 2007 as an invisionfree forum, which grew faster than anyone expected! With daily/nightly spamingchats in our forum shoutbox (*sigh* I will never forget our random RPGs). xD Well, with the brilliant idea from our leader-ssi, Tiffany (aka Tiffy), and the dedication of the website team (Lily aka zboards-queen-in-my-eyes, Tiffy's friend Lisa, Solus, and myself)... it's finally ready and open for our wonderful members!
Our first Jae Birthday Project was a sucess, and now we've already started brainstorming for Jae Project 2009! You can see pictures of the past project and get more info on future projects under the PLAY section.
Will you join us? ^_^
Click on banner to check out the site! <3