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Mar 29, 2006 22:44

Last weekend, I rented Dark Angel S2 and finished the season in 2 days. The show is very addictive! I watched the first half of season 1 earlier in the week, but when I couldn't find the second half at the store, I decided to go straight to season 2. Jensen Ackles! :)

  • The show - I really enjoyed watching it. The setting was interesting, I thought the Max/Logan UST got dragged on for a bit too long by the end of the show, and I didn't find Jessica Alba all that convincing in her acting, but I liked how it was dealt with generally. Also, Max kicks ass! ::loves::

    - One thing I really liked about the season (and the show in general) was the plotting. The plot was constantly moving forward and there were always changes to where the characters stood. I was really impressed by that - it's hard to keep the plot fresh in an ongoing TV series, and although some of the Mutants of the Week were a bit on the weak side (the vampire!transgenic comes to mind...), it's really good TV for the whole season, even if it did get slightly preachy towards the end.

    - I don't really know what happened with the end of the show (I'm guessing it got cancelled after two seasons?), but I really wish there's a third season. There is still a lot of potential plotlines that were left unexplored, the obvious one being "what's with the breeding cult???".

    - Loved Max. Strong heroine kicking ass is always good. Oh yeah.

    - Loved Original Cindy. Actually, loved most of the characters.

  • Jensen - So, so cute as Alec. The hair was a bit distracting at times, but stil, so very cute and young (Eep, I must be getting old). I am probably biased about my S2 love because JA was in it, heh. Like I said, I haven't watched the second half of season 1 yet, but I'm really looking forward to watching his episode as Ben. I liked the few angsty moments he got as Alec (the whole fell-in-love-with-target's-daughter storyline was more than a bit cliched and really predictable - and dare I say it, a little overacted - but hey, *shrugs* ) but he's just such a fun character to watch! JA sure can pull off the funny. :)

  • I got a massive headache after the DVD marathon, I am really getting old. Argh. I'm going to hunt down the second half of S1 now, hopefully it wouldn't take too long, or the video store guy will start thinking I'm crazy for going there every two days, if he doesn't think so already. Of course, it would help if there's a new episode of Supernatural to obsess over too. *g*

    In completely unrelated news - and for those of you interested in Chinese WuXia (武俠) on my flist - one of the most popular original wuxia stories online, 英雄志, is going to be made into a TV series!! Whee!!! The news article can be found here and here. It seems they have some pretty well known stars lined up. This is huge news for me and to say that I’m excited would be a major understatement. Not only am I a big fan of the novel, it is also one hell of a success story. I used to write some wuxia online too, but I haven’t (hopefully) big audience!

    So what’s the story? The author, 孫曉, first started posting chapters of the stories on an online forum, and soon became one of the most popular and most followed stories online on the various original wuxia posting boards and websites. I started going onto the internet regularly around 2000, and by that time he’s already one of the (to put it in fandom terms) biggest BNFs in the original wuxia circle. Only, you know, not really a "fan".*g* Hundreds of comments everytime he posted a chapter, kerfuflles over characterisation (of what the readers think are OOC or not OOC - because, you know, the writer only created the characters, he doesn't necessarily understand them, you see), you know the drill. *g*

    Despite the success online, he had great difficulty finding a publisher at the time because he was an unknown outside the net, and wuxia was a declining area with few publishers showing interest. Insulted by an offer of a publisher to buy his copyright in the work for a small amount (and under the condition that the book would be published under someone else’s name), he decided to start a publishing company with a friend and self-published. I don’t know the exact figures, but I wouldn’t think that it did particularly well compared to books published by bigger publishers, but probably pretty well considering it’s a small company without the sort of marketing network that established publishers would have. To date, the story is up to book 20 (it’s an epic and really long) and finally nearing the end. 

    Countless kerfuffles and flamewars later (most of them about how it took a year for a new book to come out - and I don’t disagree with that. It really has been a long wait.), there’s a TV series in the works!

    Check it out if you’re into wuxia! It's traditional, some would say closer to 金庸 than 古龍, if you need an indication. LONG, and pretty angsty. In a manly way. Argh, I suck at descriptions. Anyway, the first few books are available online from the official site. And again, whee! ::bounces in excitement::

    ::crosses fingers that they don’t change the story too much for the TV series::

    wuxia, rl, dark angel

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