So, for those who haven't seen,
holidaysmut comm is having an anniversary.
mechante_fille and
newtypeshadow have done a lot of planning and have decided to celebrate this milestone in style. :D
We turn four this year! W00t! So, in honor of that, we're having a
Fourplay Festival! :D Starting this Thursday through Sunday (June 23-26) post a story (fic, comic, or art) to the comm to participate!
Not only is it fun to have all the stories to read, but there's a raffle as well. For each story (fic, comic, or art) that you submit, you get one entry into the raffle to win a $15.00 gift certificate to
LT3: Less Than Three Press!
That ought to get you a few of the ebooks that you've been craving or, for those of you who have been putting off buying your favorite story in dead tree format, an extra $15.00 might finally be that little bit that helps you order what you've really wanted to see sitting on your shelves at home. ^_~
Come and play with us this weekend?